The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
F. Scott Fitzgerald and Francis Scott Fitzgerald

This modern short story focuses on Benjamin Button, who is born looking like a 70-year-old and aging backward. His condition is not immediately diagnosed and it takes 5 years until he engages in adult activities. When he is 20 years of age, he marries Hildegarde and has a son with her. However, while she ages and with it withers normally, Benjamin grows is more and more driven by the developing youth energy. The story explores Benjamin’s life from beginning till the end and describes the various issues he encounters because of his condition.

The short story is in the public domain.

· · 1922

Critical edition

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Other Jazz Age Stories, Penguin Classics, 2008. 464 pp., ISBN 9780143105497

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  • Classic
  • Students can identify with the text

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  • Graphic novel
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