The Boy in the Dress



Cover of this title
The Boy in the Dress
David Walliams

This children’s novel problematises gender stereotyping, prejudice and homophobia. Dennis is a 12-year-old interested in both football and fashion – he enjoys dressing up as a girl (cross-dressing). One of those hobbies is accepted by his father as a suitable hobby for boys, the other is not. He struggles with his parents’ divorce, his father’s disapproval of his passion and his brother’s constant teasing. When he meets Lisa, he finally has someone who supports him, so that one day it is Denise (not Dennis) who arrives at their school.

· · 2008

Critical edition

Williams, David. The Boy in the Dress. HarperCollins, 2013. 231 pp., ISBN 9780007279043

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In favour of this entry

  • Gender equality
  • Silenced voices
  • Students can identify with the text
  • User suggestion

Adapted as

  • Audiobook
  • Film
  • Musical