
Cover of this title
Smoke Signals
Chris Eyre

Based on a short story, this award-winning comedy tells the story of an unusual friendship. Victor and Thomas both live in the Coeur D’Alene Reservation in Idaho and have known each other their whole lives. Thomas was saved from a burning house by Victor’s father, Arnold, as a baby. Victor on the other hand mainly remembers the domestic abuse he endured before his alcoholic father moved to Arizona. When Victor receives some upsetting news, he needs to get to Pheonix as fast as possible. The only problem is, he’s missing the money for the trip… Thomas offers his money, but under one condition: He has to come along for the ride. How will two boys, who couldn’t have less in common, fare on a cross-country road trip together?

· · 1998

Critical edition

Smoke Signals. Directed by Chris Eyre, Miramax, 1998. 89 min.

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In favour of this entry

  • Award-winning
  • Democratic and political education
  • Silenced voices

Adapted as

  • Short story