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Director Chris Wedge

Robots is an animated science fiction comedy about material values, consumerism, and perseverance.

Young robot Rodney Copperbotton follows his dream to become an inventor and leaves his home for the big city to meet his idol Bigweld whose company hires inventors and provides robots with spare parts. Upon arriving, however, Rodney learns that Bigweld has been replaced and Ratchet, the company’s new head abolishes the mending mentality so everyone needs to buy his expensive updates or is picked up and destroyed. Rodney, however, is not ready to give up his vision and together with his friends, fights for fixing and against Ratchet’s inhumane and reckless innovations.

The film is great for talking especially with a young audience about the value of consumer goods and creating awareness for their conscious use.

· · 2005

Critical edition

Robots. Directed by Chris Wedge, 20th Century Fox, 2005. 90 min.

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  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Students can identify with the text