
Cover of this title
Noise to Signal
Rob Cottingham

Ongoing web cartoon series on social media and remote work that was started in 2007. Each cartoon usually consists of one image and a caption. They depict relatable situations at home or at the workplace, such as the particular example shown here. A woman working from home while she is laying on the couch calls her father and says “Hey, dad… remember when I’d be playing video games, and you’d tell me that hanging out on the sofa all day staring at a screen is no preparation for the real world?” All cartoons are licensed for non-commercial use (CC-NC).


Critical edition

Cottingham, Rob. "Preparing for this Our Whole Lives." Noise to Signal, 13 Sep. 2020. 1 pp., Website

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In favour of this entry

  • Addresses current affairs
  • Beyond the US and the UK
  • Students can identify with the text