Moby Dick
This classic adventure novel focusing on the relationship between man and nature, religion and free will explores the limits of knowledge and sanity. The story is told from the perspective of Ishmael, a poor young fellow from New York, who takes up a job on a whaler boat. His captain, called Ahab, is obsessed with hunting the albino sperm whale Moby Dick as it bit off one of his legs on the ship’s previous voyage. During their journey at sea, it becomes clear that the captain’s quest for revenge does not only affect his life. Ishmael, the hate-filled captain and the rest of the crew are determined to hunt the whale until either they or the whale will die…
The novel, which is in the public domain, is suitable for discussing the urge of mankind to dominate the natural forces.
Critical edition
Melville, Herman. Moby Dick. Penguin, 2012. 720 pp., ISBN 9780141198958