This dystopian novel explores a world of surveillance and control. But is a system that thrives on total control compatible with love? What if you eliminate this factor of uncertainty by matching everyone with their “ideal” partner? The Society is in charge of everyone’s life, down to their job, partner and how many kids they should have. Their theory comes down to: If someone gets a taste of freedom, they’ll want everything. Cassia is convinced that the Society has her best interests at heart. Therefore, when she gets “matched” with her best friend on her 17th birthday, she should have no reason to doubt that choice. However, a glitch in the system makes her briefly see a different boy. Now that she has gotten a glimpse of what could be, she can’t go back to blindly following the Society’s orders.“Once you want something, everything changes. Now I want everything.”
Critical edition
Condie, Ally. Matched. Dutton Juvenile, 2010. 416 pp., ISBN 9780142419779