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Nadia Shireen

This humorous story of two fox cubs is the perfect introduction to graphic novels for younger readers. Nancy and Ted, two young foxes, have always lived in the Big City. However, they are driven away by the terrifying street cat Princess Buttons. They seek refuge in the countryside, but Grimwood isn’t as peaceful and quaint as they imagined. Various scary creatures eagerly await them, ready to pounce…

This graphic novel can be used as an introduction to novels and fictional prose or read in excerpts. For example, the excerpts could act as a base to analyze how stereotypes are reflected in the different animals. The story is appropriate for various ages and is also suitable for younger readers.

· · 2022

Critical edition

Shireen, Nadia. Grimwood. Simon and Schuster Children's Books, 2022. 240 pp., ISBN 9781471199318

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