
Cover of this title
Fry Bread
Kevin Noble Maillard

A story about the staple food of many Native American families. ‘Fry Bread’ isn’t just food, it combines Native American culture and history. Additional information about Native American culture and historical context is provided on the last pages as well as a recipe for ‘Fry Bread’.

The illustrations accompanying the text allow young readers to understand and enjoy the story regardless of their language level. The book can also be used in a read-aloud or read-along session. Interdisciplinary teaching is possible, as aspects of Native American history and culture can be addressed in English as well as History class.

· · 2019

Critical edition

Maillard, Kevin Noble. Fry Bread. Roaring Brook, 2019. 48 pp., ISBN 9781626727465

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In favour of this entry

  • Award-winning
  • Intercultural perspectives
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Silenced voices
  • Students can identify with the text
  • User suggestion