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Craig Thompson

This award-winning graphic novel tells, or rather shows, the autobiographical coming-of-age story of Craig Thompson. Raised in rural isolation, Craig and his younger brother Phil are both depicted as devout Christians with a knack for art. Through his teen years, however, Craig finds it hard to fit in with his peers and suffers a lot of bullying and harassment at school. This feeling of isolation ends when Craig meets a girl named Raina at a Baptist church camp. This complicated yet beautiful love story continues throughout the rest of the novel, also giving insight into Raina’s difficult home life. The reader can also see Craig grappling with his spiritual identity and how this affects his relationship with his parents.

The vast array of topics addressed throughout the novel opens up room for various discussions in the EFL classroom. Ranging from religion and love to sexual abuse, this graphic novel includes many themes that students may potentially identify with. As it is first and foremost a graphic novel, students could engage with the text in various artistic ways, such as sketching an alternative ending or a sequel. Similar activities could be well-suited for an interdisciplinary project collaborating with subjects like Art.

/ · · 2003

Critical edition

Thompson, Craig. Blankets. Faber & Faber Ltd., 2017. 592 pp., ISBN 9780571336029

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In favour of this entry

  • Addresses current affairs
  • Award-winning
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Students can identify with the text