
Cover of this title
Billy Elliot
Stephen Daldry

This movie explores poverty in regard to social class differences, as well as identity construction, gender stereotypes, and homosexuality. Billy Elliot is an 11-year-old boy of poor family background. His father and brother are miners who stick to clear gender roles. When Billy is sent to take boxing lessons, he witnesses a ballet class and is infatuated by the sport, henceforth joining the ballet lessons in secret. As he is very talented, his teacher encourages a dancing career. His father and brother are, unfortunately, do not support his passion and try to prevent the lessons. A fight for Billy’s own personal freedom and choice begins.

Because the movie addresses many issues which are still relevant today, it is perfect for the English classroom and may also be used for cross-curricular teaching.

· · 2000

Critical edition

Billy Elliot. Directed by Stephen Daldry. Universal Pictures Germany GmbH, 2011. 110 min., FSK 6

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In favour of this entry

  • Award-winning
  • Explores historical contexts
  • Gender equality
  • Interdisciplinary or cross-curricular teaching
  • Students can identify with the text
  • Recommended by a federal state: Saxony-Anhalt

Adapted as

  • Musical
  • Novel