American Dream Helper



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American Dream Helper
Steve Greenberg

The cartoon “American Dream Helper” by Steve Greenberg, published in the Marin Independent Journal in November 2001, critically investigates a contemporary version of the American Dream and outlines that the pursuit of happiness can only be achieved in reality, if one just adds enough money. Based on the scenery, a woman longing for a life of material wealth, comfort and upward social mobility, takes a box out of a shelf, which defines the ingredients for the American Dream. But living a ‘Contemporary Lifestyle’ with ‘2,5 children’, owning a ‘House in the Suburbs’ and ‘a Minivan’ and being able to afford ‘Culture & Recreation’ as well as ‘Healthcare & Security’ is limited by your income and therefore not achievable for everyone.

· · 2001

Critical edition

Greenberg, Steve. "American Dream Helper." Marin Independent Journal, November 2001. Website

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