A Curse So Dark And Lonely



Cover of this title
A Curse So Dark And Lonely
Bridget Kemmerer

A Curse So Dark And Lonely is a fantasy retelling of the famous fairy tale Beauty and the Beast set in a modern-day world. The female protagonist Harper, who has Cerebral Palsy, is swept into the parallel fantasy world of Emberfall after witnessing and trying to stop a kidnapping. In this new world, the realm of a cursed prince who is forced to relive the year of his 18th birthday, Harper has to break a curse and save this magical kingdom. She plays the pivotal role of Emberfall’s saviour as Prince Rhen is not only cursed to live in a time loop but also transforms into a monstrous beast, destroying and tearing apart the castle, his family and his kingdom. Harper seems to be his last hope, a girl who could fall in love with him and break his curse. But can Harper save Rhen and his kingdom or is it already too late?

· · 2019

Critical edition

Kemmerer, Bridget. A Curse So Dark and Lonely. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. 496 pp., FSK 12, ISBN 9781681195087

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In favour of this entry

  • Award-winning
  • Charged with meaning
  • Silenced voices

Adapted as

  • Audiobook