
Cover of this title
Alex Gino

This novel tells a story of loving and embracing yourself while learning to trust yourself and open up to others. To her family, teachers and peers George is a boy. George however identifies as a girl and longs to live and present herself the way she wants to. She is so excited when the school play rolls around and knows exactly what role she wants to play in Charlotte’s Web. While everyone just assumes George would want to play Wilbur, she identifies strongly with Charlotte. Will she stay true to herself?

The story is a wonderful introduction to discussions about gender identity, trans rights and mental health and is suitable for young readers.

· · 2015

Critical edition

Gino, Alex. George. Scholastic, 2015. 208 pp., ISBN 9780545812542

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In favour of this entry

  • Addresses current affairs
  • Award-winning
  • Silenced voices
  • Students can identify with the text