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Fix 0284-001.gif and 0284-002.gif that witness Claim 13.6. Let con(., .) denote the predicate such that, for all i and k,
13.7 Claim
(a) Suppose that 0284-004.gif, Q k is total recursive, and con (i, k) holds. Then, for all 0284-005.gif, con (i, k) also holds.
(b) For each fixed k, trip predicate con(i, k) is limiting-recursively (in i) decidable.
Proof: Part (a) follows from Claim 13.6(C). Part (b) is an easy exercise.
Let f be a limiting-recursive function such that, for all i and x,
Intuitively, f(i) is a program for a function that extends  s i by diagonalizing against the i-th possible r.e. indexable class of computable functions. Note that since  l i. s i is limiting recursive, such a limiting-recursive f can be constructed using the s-m-n theorem (Theorem 2.1). Finally, we define
13.8 Claim S is not contained in any r.e. indexable class of computable functions.
Proof: Suppose by way of contradiction that there is a recursive function p such that 0284-008.gif. Choose i0 such that 0284-009.gif Since 0284-010.gif is total and its range consists of programs for total functions, it follows that 0284-011.gif. Since 0284-012.gif, there is a j such that 0284-013.gif. Thus we have
a contradiction.
Fix an arbitrary k such that  Q k is total recursive. Our next goal is to show that 0284-015.gif. Since our choice of k is arbitrary, this will establish the proposition. To

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