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Page 283
13.5 Proposition (Fulk [72]) There exists a class Image-2913.gif of recursive functions such that:
(a) For all total recursive operators Image-2914.gif, 0283-001.gif.
(b) Image-2915.gif is not contained in an r.e. indexable class of computable functions.
Proof: The argument is organized as a series of claims. We first introduce some definitions and notation.
For this proof, we let  s  and T (with or without decorations) range over INIT. Also, in this proof we shall identify each  s  with Image-2916.gif, the finite function with graph content ( s ). It will always be clear from context whether  s  is taken as a partial function or a member of INIT.
Let  h 0 and  h 1 be partial functions. If there is an x such that 0283-002.gif, we say that  h 0 and  h 1 are inconsistent (written: 0283-003.gif); otherwise, we say that  h 0 and  h 1 are consistent (written:  h 0 ~  h 1). So,  h 0 and  h 1 are consistent if and only if 0283-004.gif is a (single-valued) partial function.
Let  Q  be an effective indexing of the class of recursive operators. That is, 0283-005.gif is exactly the class of recursive operators and  l i, 0283-006.gif is itself a recursive operator (of type 0283-007.gif). See Section 9.8 of Rogers [158] for an example of such an indexing. Recall from Chapter 2 that each recursive operator Image-2917.gif has the following topological property.
Continuity: For all  a , 0283-008.gif.
We shall make strong use of this property in the following.
Our first claim introduces some technical machinery to help in the definition of Image-2918.gif. The proof of this claim is left to Exercise 13-1.
13.6 Claim There are sequences of initial segments, 0283-009.gif and 0283-010.gif, that satisfy properties (A), (B), and (C) below.
(A) 0283-011.gif and 0283-012.gif are limiting-recursive functions.
(B) For all i, and all j > i, 0283-013.gif and 0283-014.gif.
(C) For each k and each 0283-015.gif, either (C.1) or (C.2) is true.
(C.1) 0283-016.gif
(C.2) 0283-017.gif

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