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Page 270
Proof: Let Image-2706.gif be given.
0270-001.gif. Suppose that  y  is an acceptable programming system and that 0270-002.gif. Clearly, 0270-003.gif It suffices to construct recursive functions g and v such that 0270-004.gif Since  y  and  j  are acceptable, there are recursive functions, r1 and r2, such that, for all i,
For each i, let Ti be the text such that, for each x and t,
Thus, Ti is a text for Wi. For each i and n, define v(i) = r2(i) + 1 and
It is immediate from the definition of g that, for each i, 0270-008.gif. Now suppose that 0270-009.gif and Wi = L. Then 0270-010.gif. Hence, 0270-011.gif, which is a  j -grammar for L. Therefore, 0270-012.gif) as required.
0270-013.gif. Let g and v be recursive functions such that 0270-014.gif For each 0270-015.gif, let iL be as in Definition 12.14(a). The following simple observation is crucial in our construction of  y . The proof is obvious.
12.16 Claim Suppose i is such that there are infinitely many n with g(i, n) = i. Then either 0270-016.gif of 0270-017.gif and 0270-018.gif.
Let 0270-019.gif and 0270-020.gif. For each 0270-021.gif, define
We note that r provides a recursive one-to-one correspondence between A and N. For each (i0, j0) and (i1, jl) 0270-023.gif we write (i0, j0) <l> (i1, j1) if and only if r(i0, j0) <l> r(i1, j1). Since r is a one-to-one correspondence between A and N, this is a total order on A. Moreover, by the definition of r we have

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