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Page 269
For each  s , define
We leave it as a straightforward exercise to check that M TxtMin y -identifies 0269-002.gif.
The TxtMin y  paradigm can be related in a striking fashion to TxtEx. For this purpose, we introduce the following definition which is based on a related notion of Freivalds [61] (see Exercise 12-8).
12.14 Definition (Case and Chi [27])
(a) Suppose g and v are recursive functions. We say that Image-2702.gif is limiting standardizable via g with recursive estimate v (written: 0269-003.gif) if and only if, for each 0269-004.gif, there is an iL with 0269-005.gif such that, for every i with Wi = L we have:
1. 0269-006.gif, and
2. 0269-007.gif.
(b) We say that Image-2703.gif is text limiting standardizable with recursive estimate (written: 0269-008.gif) if and only if, for some recursive g and v we have 0269-009.gif.
Intuitively, the role of g in the definition of TxtLsr is to provide indirectly a limiting recursive solution to a special case of the grammar equivalence problem (0269-010.gif) where the grammars generate languages in Image-2704.gif; the v places some extra constraints on how g reaches its limit.2 The notion of TxtLsr defined above is implicitly parameterized by the choice of acceptable programming system. Explicit parameterization is not called for, because it is easy to check that the class TxtLsr is independent of the choice of acceptable programming system. Here is the promised characterization of TxtMin y .
12.15 Proposition For all Image-2705.gif, the following are equivalent.
(a) For some acceptable programming system  y , 0269-011.gif.
(b) 0269-012.gif.
2This interpretation is due to John Case.

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