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Now consider the following two cases.
Case 1: All stages halt. In this case, let p(0) be the additional information and f =  j p(0). Clearly,  j p(0) is total and is in S. We then have two subcases.
Subcase 1a: M(p(0), f) diverges. In this case, M fails to UniBexa,0-identify f.
Subcase 1b: M(p(0), f) converges to j at stage s. In this case, the only way in which all stages halt is by the execution of step 1b infinitely often. But,  j M(p(0),f) is then infinitely different from f.
Case 2: Some stage s begins but does not halt. We then have three subcases.
Subcase 2a: Steps 1 and 2 are both executed infinitely often. In this case, let f =  j p(0) =  j p(s), which is clearly in S. Now, the only way that steps 1 and 2 can be executed infinitely often without leaving stage s is by the repeated execution of steps 1a and 2b. Thus, M with additional information p(s) infinitely often outputs j without converging to j. Therefore, M on f with additional information p(s) fails to converge.
Subcase 2b: In stage s, the algorithm eventually enters and never leaves step 1. In this case, let f =  j p(s). Since  j p(0) =a+1  j p(s), we have 0226-001.gif. Observe that M on f with additional information p(s) converges to j because, otherwise, Condition 1A would succeed. Also observe that  j j does not converge on at least a + 1 values because, otherwise, Condition 1B would succeed. Thus, M fails to UniBexa,0-identify f.
Subcase 2c: In stage s, the algorithm eventually enters and never leaves step 2. In this case, let f =  j p(0) =  j p(s), which is clearly in S. Observe that M on f with additional information p(s) does not converge to j because, otherwise, Condition 2B would succeed. Also observe that M on f with additional information p(0) converges to j because, otherwise, Condition 2A would succeed. Thus, M fails to UniBexa,0-identify f.
As the above cases and subcases are exhaustive, we have that M fails to UniBexa,0-identify S.
10.6 Corollary Suppose 0226-002.gif. Then, 0226-003.gif.
The corollary implies that if one keeps fixed the bound on the number of errors allowed in the additional information, then larger collections of functions can be UniBex-identified by allowing extra errors in the final inferred program. The proof of the corollary is left to the reader.

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