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Page 225
We give an informal effective construction of the  j p(i)'s in successive stages s = 1, 2, 3, . . . . At the beginning of stage s > 0,  j p(s) will be completely undefined and  j p(0) will be defined only on the initial segment {0, . . . , ns - 1}, where ns denotes the least number not yet in domain ( j p(0)). We initialize  j p(0)(0) to p(0) and go to stage 1.
Begin ( Stage s )
 j p(0)(ns) =1, and for each 0225-001.gif, set  j p(s)(x) =  j p(0)(x).
Let j = M(p(0),
 j p(0)[ns + 1]).
If M(p(s),
 j p(s)[ns + 1]) = j, then go to step 1, else go to step 2.
Step 1.
Let 0225-002.gif be the least x not yet in domain (
 j p(0)).
For l = 0, . . ., a, set 0225-003.gif.
Set 0225-004.gif.
 j p(s)(y) =  j p(0)(y) = 0 and reset y = y + 1.
until, if ever, at least one of the following two conditions holds.
Condition 1A: M(p(s), 0225-005.gif.
Condition 1B: 0225-006.gif.
Step 1a. If Condition 1A holds then go to step 2.
Step 1b. If Condition 1B, but not 1A, holds then:
Let l be the least convergence point discovered in Condition 1B.
Set 0225-007.gif.
For each 0225-008.gif, set 0225-009.gif if 0225-010.gif.
Go to stage s + 1.
Step 2.
Let 0225-011.gif be the least x not yet in domain(
 j p(s)).
For each 0225-012.gif not yet in domain (
 j p(0)), set  j p(0)(x) =  j p(s)(x).
Set 0225-013.gif and rest 0225-014.gif
until, if ever, at least one of the following two conditions holds.
Condition 2A: 0225-015.gif.
Condition 2B: 0225-016.gif.
Step 2a. If Condition 2A holds then go to stage s + 1.
Step 2b. If Condition 2B, but not 2A, holds then go to Step 1.
End ( Stage s )

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