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10.3 Definition Let a, 0224-001.gif.
(a) M UniBexa,c-identifies f (written: 0224-002.gif) just in case, for some i with  j i =a f, we have that for every 0224-003.gif, 0224-004.gif.
(b) 0224-005.gif.
The UniBex0,0-identification criterion was first introduced by Freivalds and Wiehagen [67]. The following proposition is immediate.
10.4 Proposition Let 0224-006.gif such that 0224-007.gif. Let 0224-008.gif such that such that 0224-009.gif. Then,
(a) 0224-010.gif.
(b) 0224-011.gif.
(c) 0224-012.gif.
(d) 0224-013.gif.
Proposition 10.4 suggests that the highest quality additional information is an upper bound on the minimal O-error program and the worst quality is an upper bound on the minimal *-error program. The natural question is: upon replacing the 0224-014.gif in the hypothesis of the above proposition with <'s, do the containments become strict? Another immediate observation is that for 0224-015.gif, 0224-016.gif. Again, we would like to know whether this containment is strict. The results below, together with the exercises, answer these questions.
The next proposition shows that even the best quality UniBex type of additional information does not always compensate for allowing an extra error in the final program. That is, there are collections of functions for which an (a + 1)-error program can be identified, but for which an a-error program cannot be UniBex-identified even if the scientist has knowledge of an upper bound on the minimal O-error program index of the function.
10.5 Proposition For all 0224-017.gif, 0224-018.gif.
Proof: Let 0224-019.gif, which clearly is in Exa+1. Fix an arbitrary scientist M. We shall exhibit a function 0224-020.gif that M fails to UniBexa,0-identify. The f in question will be computed by one of a repetition-free, r.e. sequence of programs, p(0), p(1), p(2), . . . constructed through implicit use of the operator recursion theorem (Theorem 2.6).

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