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Page 116
We next show that 0116-001.gif.
We leave it to the reader to verify that 0116-003.gif We argue that 0116-004.gif. Suppose by way of contradiction that a scientist M that is consistent on Image-1219.gif identifies Image-1220.gif. Then by Kleene's recursion theorem (Theorem 2.3), there exists an index e such that, for all x,
Suppose  j e is total. Then 0116-006.gif, and for all x > 0, 0116-007.gif. Hence, 0116-008.gif, a contradiction. Therefore,  j e is not total. Suppose x is the least number such that  j e(x) is not defined. Then 0116-009.gif and 0116-010.gif Let 0116-011.gif be such that 0116-012.gif Again, by Kleene's recursion theorem, there exists an index e1 such that, for all x,
It is easy to verify that 0116-014.gif However, since 0116-015.gif M is not consistent on 0116-016.gif. This is a contradiction. It follows that no such M can exist.
§5.6.2 Popperian
As discussed in the context of languages, scientific practice usually demands the testability of hypotheses, a constraint that was labeled "accountability" in Section 5.2.3. We

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