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Page 104
(a)  s 0 is a stabilizing sequence for M on content(T).
(b)  s 0 is a candidate stabilizing sequence for M at all but finitely many initial segments of T.
(c)  s 0 is a candidate stabilizing sequence for M at infinitely many initial segments of T.
Proof (Proposition 5.29): Let pad(.,.) be a recursive one-to-one padding function such that for 0104-001.gif Wpad(i,j) = Wi (see Chapter 2). Let M' be a scientist such that for each 0104-002.gif, M'( s ) = pad(M( s 0),  s 0)), where  s 0 is the least candidate stabilizing sequence for M at  s . By Claim 5.36, the search for  s 0 is effective and always succeeds.
So by Corollary 5.38, we have
5.39 Claim For any text T, 0104-003.gif if and only if  s 0 is the least stabilizing sequence for M on content(T). Moreover, if there exists no stabilizing sequence for M on content(T), then 0104-004.gif
We now show that M' satisfies all the properties claimed in the proposition.
1. Fix an 0104-005.gif and let T be an arbitrary text for L. By Theorem 3.22 there exists a locking sequence for M on L. Hence there is also a stabilizing sequence for M on L. Let  s 0 be the least stabilizing sequence for M on L. Then by Claim 5.39 we have that 0104-006.gif, but by Lemma 5.33,  s 0 is also a locking sequence for M on L. Hence, 0104-007.gif.
2. By Claim 5.39, if M' converges on T, then the value of M'(T) depends only on content (T). Thus M' is order-independent.
3. It is clear from the construction that M' is rearrangement-independent, because the least candidate stabilizing sequence for M at  s  depends only on content( s ) and 0104-008.gif.
4. Suppose  s  is a locking sequence for M' on L. Then M' identifies all texts for L that extend  s . Since M' is order-independent, it follows that M' identifies L.
5. Suppose M' identifies L. Let  s 0 be the least stabilizing sequence for M on L and let T be an arbitrary text for L. Choose an n0 so large that
(a) 0104-009.gif, and
(b) ( "s  <  s 0) [ s  is not a candidate stabilizing sequence for T[n0]].
Such an n0 must exist. (For (b), use Corollary 5.38). By Claim 5.36, we thus have that, for all 0104-010.gif with 0104-011.gif,  s 0 is the least candidate stabilizing sequence for M at 0104-012.gif. Thus T[n0] is a locking sequence for M' on L.
We now return to the proofs of Lemmas 5.22 and 5.23.

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