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Page 105
Proof (Lemma 5.22): Suppose first that TxtEx = [TxtEx]prudent. Fix an 0105-001.gif. We argue that Image-1107.gif is r.e. extendible. Let M be a prudent scientist that identifies Image-1108.gif. Then 0105-002.gif is an r.e. set. Since M is prudent, M identifies 0105-003.gif. Clearly, Image-1109.gif is r.e. indexable and a superset of Image-1110.gif.
Now suppose that every 0105-004.gif is r.e extendible. Fix an 0105-005.gif and let 0105-006.gif be a superset of Image-1111.gif that is r.e. indexable, say by the r.e. set S. Without loss of generality we take S to be infinite. By Proposition 5.29, there is a total order-independent scientist, M, that identifies 0105-007.gif. We show how to construct a prudent scientist M' that identifies Image-1112.gif (and hence Image-1113.gif). Let S0, Sl, . . . be a one-one recursive enumeration of S. Let Ti be a text for Wsi that can be obtained recursively from i. Now, for each  s , define
Since M is order-independent and identifies Image-1114.gif, M' will converge on any text T for 0105-009.gif to an si such that Ws i = L. Also, every index in S is an index for a language in Image-1115.gif, and M' outputs only indexes from S. Thus M' is prudent and identifies Image-1116.gif.
Proof (Lemma 5.23): Our goal is to show that every 0105-010.gif is r.e extendible. Fix an 0105-011.gif. By Proposition 5.29, Image-1117.gif is identifiable by some scientist M such that M identifies L if and only if there is a locking sequence for M on L. Without loss of generality we assume that 0105-012.gif. We exhibit an r.e. indexable collection Image-1118.gif such that 0105-013.gif and 0105-014.gif. There are two cases:
Case 1: M identifies N. Define a recursive function  ƒ  by
To see that  ƒ  defined in this way is recursive, we argue informally. Given  s , to enumerate W ƒ ( s ), compute M( s ) and enumerate nothing in W ƒ ( s ) until, if ever, a stage s is reached such that WM( s ),s contains all of content( s ). At this point begin enumerating all of WM( s ) into W ƒ ( s ) until, if ever, there is discovered a sequence  g  such that 0105-016.gif, 0105-017.gif and 0105-018.gif. If such a  g  exists, then begin enumerating all of N into W ƒ ( s .
Since  ƒ  is recursive, 0105-019.gif is r.e. On the other hand, since Image-1119.gif and N are identified by M and since M identifies every L such that there is a locking sequence for M on L, M identifies every language with an index in S.

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