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Page 103
Note that the usage ''0103-001.gif" in the above definition implicitly identifies an initial sequence with its canonical indexing and thereby induces a linear ordering on elements of SEQ. Also note that for each 0103-002.gif, the cardinality of visible( s ) is finite and visible( s ) can be effectively computed from  s . Furthermore, visible( s ) depends only on the content and length of  s .
5.35 Definition Given a scientist M and a 0103-003.gif,  s 0 is called a candidate stabilizing sequence for M at  s  just in case:
(a) 0103-004.gif, and
(b) 0103-005.gif.
The following two claims summarize the properties of candidate stabilizing sequences. The proof of the first claim is immediate and is left to the reader.
5.36 Claim
(a) Given M,  s , and  s 0, it is effectively decidable whether  s 0 is a candidate stabilizing sequence for M at  s .
(b) Given M and  s , there is a candidate stabilizing sequence for M at  s .
(c) If  s 0 is a stabilizing sequence for M on L, then  s 0 is a candidate stabilizing sequence for every sequence  s  such that 0103-006.gif.
(d) If 0103-007.gif and  s 0 is not a candidate stabilizing sequence for M at  s , then for all 0103-008.gif is not a candidate stabilizing sequence for M at 0103-009.gif.
5.37 Claim Given a scientist M and text T such that  s  is a candidate stabilizing sequence for M at T[n] for infinitely many n, then a is a stabilizing sequence for M on content(T).
Proof: Suppose by way of contradiction that  s  is not a stabilizing sequence for M on content(T). Then there exists a  s ' such that 0103-010.gif and 0103-011.gif. But, for all but finitely many n, 0103-012.gif. Hence, for all but finitely many n,  s  fails to be a candidate stabilizing sequence for M at T[n], a contradiction.
As a corollary to the above two claims we have
5.38 Corollary Suppose M and T are given. Then the following are equivalent:

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