Klausur and Hausarbeit


There seems to be some confusion about the time and date of the Klausuren for this Module.

Di, 14. Jul
Marschnerstraße 29E, Haus 5, HS 015

Please email the Dozent in charge of the seminar you wish to take the Klausur in! (So, me if you want to take the Klausur in Semantics, Herr Heck, if you want to take the Klausur in Morphology, and Herr Müller if you want to take the Klausur in Syntax.) Moreover, please have emailed said Dozent before Monday (today) 6pm!


If you would like to write a Hausarbeit for this seminar, you may write it about any relevant semantic topic you like. It should be somewhere between 5 and 15 pages, but if you can get it done in less, without compromising on quality, that’s fine too.

I think a reasonable topic for the Hausarbeit is to give me an executive summary of a paper in semantics. By an executive summary I mean a summary aimed at a intelligent non-expert. What I would like to see in an executive summary is evidence that you have understood the paper well enough to explain it to someone. Here are some papers that I think would be good to summarize.1 Sometimes a paper will contain multiple ideas. It is fine to focus on just one of these ideas (especially if the paper is quite long).

  1. If you want to summarize a different paper, please run it by me first! ↩︎