SFG-Meeting, Leipzig, 6 October 2014
SFG-Meeting, Dresden, 24 March 2014
SFG-Meeting, Leipzig, 4 December 2013
CompPhys13, Leipzig, 28 to 30 November 2013
14th International NTZ-Workshop on New Developments in Computational Physics
Diffusion Fundamentals V, Leipzig, 26 to 28 August 2013
SFG-Meeting, Chemnitz, 9 April 2013
Dr. Margarita Krutyeva (FZ Jülich)
“Effect of nanoconfinement on polymer dynamics”
Dr. Eric Lutz (FU Berlin)
“Anomalous diffusion, ergodicity breaking and multifractality in optical lattices”
Prof. Dr. Sabine Klapp (TU Berlin)
“Field-induced percolation and anomalous diffusion in systems of dipolar colloids”
SFG Meeting, Leipzig, 12 December 2012
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmidt (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
“Tracking motor-protein and cytoskeletal dynamics with single-walled carbon nanotubes as stealth probes”
Dr. Volker Schaller (TU München)
“Cytoskeletal pattern formation: Self organization of driven filaments”
Prof. Dr. Josef Käs (Uni Leipzig)
“Causes of retrograde flow in fish keratocytes”
CompPhys12, Leipzig, 29 November to 01 December 2012
13th International NTZ-Workshop on New Developments in Computational Physics
Heiße Nanopartikel bei 1. Nano-Kurzfilm Festival
6 July 2012
Videobericht bei Spiegel Online
Multimedia für die Wissenschaft
Press Release, Universität Leipzig, 14 June 2012
Mon, 17 September 2012, Dresden: SFG Meeting
Wed, 20 June 2012 to Fri, 22 June 2012, St.-Afra-Klosterhof Meißen: SFG Meeting for Doctoral Researchers
Durchbruch bei Erforschung neuer Mikroskopietechnik gelungen
Press Release, Universität Leipzig, 07 March 2012
SFG Meeting, Chemnitz, 20 March 2012
SFG Meeting, Meinsberg, 24 November 2011
CompPhys11, Leipzig, 24–26 November 2011
12th International NTZ-Workshop on New Developments in Computational Physics
Second Funding Period Kick-Off Meeting in Leipzig, 24 June 2011
On 24 June 2011, the SFG will kick of the second funding period in Leipzig, where we are pleased to invite Handan Arkin-Olgar (Ankara University/Universität Leipzig) and Holger Stark (TU Berlin). In addition, SFG project members will hold short talks. The program of the meeting can be downloaded here.
SFG Meeting with Guest Colloquia in Chemnitz, 24 February 2011
On 24 February 2011, the SFG will hold a meeting in Chemnitz, where we are pleased to invite Dr. Doris Heinrich (LMU München) and Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiss (Universität Bayreuth). In addition, SFG project members will hold short talks. The program of the meeting can be downloaded here.
Guest Colloquium by Igor Sokolov (HU Berlin), 11 January 2011
On Tuesday, 11 January 2011, Prof. Igor Sokolov (Humboldt-Universität Berlin) will hold a colloquium at Universität Leipzig as a guest of the Saxon Research Group on the topic “Aging and Universality in Subdiffusion”.
Guest Colloquium by Prof. Clemens Bechinger (Stuttgart), 07 December 2010
We are pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Clemens Bechinger (Universität Stuttgart) as a guest of the SFG. His talk will take place on 07 December 2010 in the Physics Institute in Leipzig. Prof. Bechinger will speak on the topic of “The Force of Fluctuations”.
11th International NTZ Workshop CompPhys10, 25–27 November 2010
We are pleased to announce the 11th International NTZ Workshop CompPhys10 — New Developments in Computational Physics, in Leipzig, from 25–27 November 2010, organized by SFG project leader Prof. Dr. Wolfhard Janke. The talks will take place in the lecture hall for Theoretical Physics, in the physics building of Universität Leipzig.
SFG Defense, 01–02 July 2010
On 01 July and 02 July 2010, the SFG will defend the joint application for the second funding period for the years 2011–2013. Profs. Robert Magerle, Klaus Kroy and Petra Schwille will hold one-hour talks outlining the proposals for the planned research projects. Prof. Frank Cichos, speaker of the SFG, will introduce the general part of the program. The defense program will include a postersession and a plenary discussion with the project leaders.
SFG Meeting with Guest Colloqiua in Leipzig, 22 September 2009
On Tuesday, 22 September 2009, the SFG will hold a meeting at Universität Leipzig, featuring guest colloquia by Markus Bär (Berlin) and Alfred Blume (Halle). In addition, SFG members will hold short presentations on their recent research within the SFG.
SFG Meeting with Guest Colloquia in Leipzig, 12 May 2009
On Tuesday, 12 May 2009, the SFG will have a meeting in Leipzig, and will host guest colloquia by Dominik Wöll (Konstanz) and a member from Thomas Schmidt’s workgroup (Leiden). The meeting is combined with the physics colloquium, which will feature a talk by Udo Seifert (Stuttgart) on “Stochastic Thermodynamics : Theory and Experiments”.
Second SFG Symposium in Eibenstock, 11–13 March 2009
The SFG will hold its second symposium from 11 to 13 March 2009 in Eibenstock in the Saxon Erzgebirge. Planned are an exciting lineup of guest speakers and SFG members, a poster session and multiple opportunities for informal get-together.
SFG Meeting with Guest Colloquium in Leipzig, 27 January 2009
On 27 January 2009, the SFG will have a meeting at Universität Leipzig. Guest speaker will be PD Dr. Thomas Franosch (München) with a talk on “Transport in heterogeneous media”. Additionally, members of the SFG will give short reports on recent work.
SFG meeting with Guest Colloquia in Dresden, 27 November 2008
On 27 November 2008, the SFG will have its next meeting at BIOTECH in Dresden. Friedrich Simmel (TU München) and Stefan Diez (Dresden) will hold a guest colloquium. The meeting will furthermore feature short presentations by the various participating groups.
SFG Meeting with Guest Colloquium in Leipzig, 25 September 2008
On Thursday, 25 September 2008, the next meeting of the research group will take place at Universität Leipzig. Besides presentations from SFG members and project discussions, a colloquium talk will be given by Jürgen Rabe (Berlin).
FOR 877 Meeting in Chemnitz, 02 July 2008
The next SFG event will take place in Chemnitz on 02 July 2008, in combination with the physics festival centered around the opening of the new physics building of TU Chemnitz. The meeting will feature guest talks by Werner Köhler and Igor Sokolov, a colloquium talk by Rudolf Friedrich, and various contributions by SFG members.