Events 2015

Tue, 9 June 2015: Colloquium

Prof. Hao Yan (Arizona State University Tempe, USA)
“Designer DNA architectures for programmable self-assembly”

Wed, 13 May 2015: Seminar

Prof. Jan Kierfeld (TU Dortmund)
“Optimal paths in a random potential”

Thu, 30 April 2015: Seminar

Dr. Jaime Cisternas (Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile)
“Explosive dissipative solitons and their anomalous diffusion”

Tue, 28 April 2015, 13:30: Project Leader Meeting

Universität Leipzig, Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences,
Linnéstr. 5, room 220

Thu, 23 April 2015: Seminar

Dr. F. Höfling (MPI für Intelligente Systeme, Stuttgart)
“Brownian motion of anisotropic particles”

Tue, 21 April 2015: Colloquium

Prof. Dr. Christian Maes (KU Leuven)
“Nonequilibrium aspects of statistical forces”

Thu, 16 April 2015: Seminar

Dr. Igor Goychuk (Universität Potsdam)
“Viscoelastic subdiffusion, transport, and rate processes in multistable potentials: basic models and applications”

Tue, 20 January 2015: Seminar

Dr. Matteo Polettini (University of Luxembourg)
“The stochastic thermodynamics of efficiency fluctuations: Exact results and perspectives”

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