Introduction to Photonics I, SS 2024

Lecture/Seminar Dates

Lecturer Exercise
Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
Wednesday: 15:15–16:45, SR 532
Dr. Diptabrata Paul, Lisa Rohde
Block course at the end of the term

Important Information

  • There will ne no lecture on June 5. Instead, the lecture will take place on June 7, 15:15 in SR 532.
  • There will ne no lecture on June 12. Instead, the lecture will take place on June 14, 15:15 in SR 532.
  • There will ne no lecture on June 26. Instead, the lecture will take place on June 28, 15:15 in SR 532.
  • Please register here for the lab course. The lab course takes two days and will be on Fourier Optics. The number of people per lab course is limited to a maximum of 5. Every student has to register individually for it, i.e., the groups are formed during the registration and not before.We offer the following dates for the lab course:
    July 22/23, 2024
    July 24/25, 2024
    July 29/30, 2024
    July 31/August 1, 2024
    August 26/27, 2024
    August 28/29, 2024
    August 30/September 2, 2024
    September 3/4, 2024
    Please register until July 12, 2024 and contact Andrea Kramer via email in case of questions.
  • Please select a date and time for your exam here.
    The exams on July 31 and August 1 will take place in SR 218.
    The exams on August 6, 7, 14 and 15 will take place in room 229.
    Please contact Andrea Kramer via email in case of questions.


  • Saleh/Teich: Fundamentals of Photonics (amazon)
  • Hecht: Optics (amazon)
  • Jackson: Classical Electrodynamics (amazon)
  • Mandel/Wolf: Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics (amazon)
  • Demtröder: Laser Spectroscopy (amazon)
  • Bloembergen: Nonlinear Optics (amazon)

Lecture Materials

The link to the website of the online lectures, the lecture materials and the forum are available to logged in users here.

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