Group members
Stefan Hoehme (Dr.rer.nat) Head of research group

Main focus of research
- Image / Volume processing and analysis
- Visualisation
- Multiscale liver models
Working experience
- Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science (MPI CBS)
- Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS)
- Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology (IMISE)
- Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics (IZBI)
Awards & Grants
- Reinhard Heinrich Doctoral Thesis Award 2011 (1st prize)
by the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB) for best annual thesis from any area of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology
- Grant: DFG Emmy-Noether-Programme (2015-2021)
- Grant: BMBF LiSyM (Liver Systems Medicine) (2015-2021)
- Grant: BMBF LiSyM-Cancer (2021-2024)
- Grant: ScaDS.AI Seed Funding (2023-2024)
- Grant: EU ARTEMIS (2024-2027)
- Grant: DFG CHOLANG (2024-2027)
- Grant: BMBF LiSyM-Cancer 2 (2024-2027)
- Grant: Deutsche Krebshilfe (TBS)
Adrian Friebel (Dipl.inf.) Senior PhD student

Main focus of research
- Image / Volume processing and analysis
- Visualisation
- Machine learning for image processing
Working experience
- Institute for Process Control and Robotics (IPR) @ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics (IZBI)
Deng Zhipeng (M.Sc.Inf.) PhD student

Main focus of research
- Medical image processing and analysis
- Deep learning
- Computational modeling and simulation
Working experience
- Engineering Perception Group @ Robert Bosch GmbH (Stuttgart)
- Institute of Principles of Electrical and Electronic Engineering @ Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden)
- Medical Theoretical Center (MTZ) @ University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus (UKDD)
Qasim Siddiqui (M.Sc.Inf.) PhD student

Main focus of research
- Image analysis
- Deep learning for image processing
- Uncertainty quantification in deep learning
Working experience
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
Marlene Mertens (M.Sc.Inf.) PhD student

Main focus of research
- Medical image processing and analysis
- Deep learning
Working experience
- ScaDS.AI (Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence) Leipzig
Lennart Jaretzki Student

Main focus of research
- AI-based image analysis
- Deep learning for image processing
External & Collaborations
Sabrina Schmidt (M.Sc.) PhD student Dijkstra-Silva group TU Dresden

Main focus of research
- Firm behavior in sustainability transitions
- Diffusion of sustainable organizational characteristics and innovations
- Agent-based modeling
Working experience
- Junior Professorship for Sustainability Assessment and Policy at TUD Dresden University of Technology
- Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Berlin
Sabine Vater (B.Sc.) Master student Fraunhofer Leipzig

Main focus of research
- AI-based analysis of MRI images for brain tumor bearing rodents
Working experience
- Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology Leipzig (IZI)
Florian Vogel (B.Sc.) Master student

Main focus of research
- Machine-learning image processing and analysis methods
Working experience
- Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology (University Of Applied Sciences Jena)
- Experience in image processing, hardware/µc programming, biosignal processing
Johannes Neitsch (Dipl.math.) PhD student

Main focus of research
- Agent-based Modeling
- Physical Modeling of Cells, Flux and Diffusion in Tissue
- Adhesion; Proliferation; Micro Pipettes; Optical Stretcher
- Mass - Spring - Systems
Working experience
- Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)
- Max Planck Institute of colloids and interfaces (MPIKG)
- Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics (IZBI)
Marek Kozoň (B.Sc.) Master student

Main focus of research
- Machine-learning image processing and analysis methods
- Analysis and modeling of biological tissues
Working experience
- Bachelor study of General Physics at Charles University in Prague
- Master study of Theoretical Physics at Charles University in Prague
- Erasmus Study at Institute of Theoretical Physics of University Leipzig
Claus Stöpel (Dipl.biochem PhD student

Main focus of research
- Software engineering / Architecture
- Image / Volume processing and analysis
Working experience
- Molecular oncology, Gynecological department - University Hospital Leipzig
- MAGE-Group (Model of the Ageing Epigenome), Data-Visualization and analysis of High-Throughput Sequencing Methods (i.e. Chip-seq), software development, Bioinformatics University of Leipzig
- Detection and Classifying of Prostate Cancer by Geometric Measurements, image-processing and analysis of prostate carcinoma microscopic images, development of algorithms, IZBI, University of Leipzig
Tim Johann (Dipl.phys.) PhD student

Main focus of research
- Software engineering / Architecture
Working experience
- Modelling of Biological Processes Group, BioQuant, University of Heidelberg
- EML Research gGmbH, Heidelberg (now HITS)
- Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (Institute for Astronomical Computations), Heidelberg
- Kirchhoff Institute of Physics, University of Heidelberg
- Schrodinger Inc., Anterio Research, Mannheim
Daniel Hahne (Dr.rer.nat) PostDoc

Main focus of research
- Image / Volume processing and analysis
- Visualisation
- Intracellular liver models
Working experience
- Institute of Physics at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
- COMPASS Experiment (CERN)
Kasimir Wansing (M.Sc.inf.) PhD student

Main focus of research
- Agent-based modeling
- Visualisation
Working experience
- Institute of German Language and Literature, University of Leipzig
- Department of Computational Linguistics, Institute of Computer Science, University of Leipzig:
Master thesis "Iterated Adaptive Importance Sampling on Constituent Trees"