- K.M. Taute . Mikrobielle Navigation in natürlichen Umgebungen ermitteln . BIOspektrum 29(5):457 , 2023.
- M. Grognot, J.W. Nam, L.E. Elson, K.M. Taute . Physiological adaptation in flagellar architecture improves Vibrio alginolyticus chemotaxis in complex environmen ts . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(34):e2301873120 , 2023.
- K.M. Taute . Wieso schwimmen Bakterien schneller in Schleim als in Wasser? Journal Club, BIOspektrum 28(4):403 , 2022.
- A. Weigert Muñoz, E. Hoyer, K. Schumacher, M. Grognot, K.M. Taute , Stephan M. Hacker, Stephan A. Sieber, K. Jung. Eukaryotic catecholamine hormones influence the chemotactic control of Vibrio campbelli by binding to the coupling protein CheW . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(10):e2118227119 , 2022.
- M. Grognot, A. Mittal, M.A. Mah'moud, K.M. Taute . Vibrio cholerae motility in aquatic and mucus-mimicking environments . Applied & Environmental Microbiology 87(20) :e01293-21 , 2021.
- M. Grognot & K.M. Taute . A multiscale 3D chemotaxis assay reveals bacterial navigation mechanisms . Communications Biology 4:669 , 2021.
- M. Grognot & K.M. Taute . More than propellers: How flagella shape bacterial motility behaviors . Current Opinion in Microbiology 61:73:81 , 2021.
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- E.V. Pankratova, A.I. Kalyakulina, M.I. Krivonosov, S.V. Denisov, K.M. Taute , V.Y. Zaburdaev. Chemotactic drift speed for bacterial motility pattern with two alternating turning events . PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190434 , 2018.
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- E.C. Wylie, P.L. Cottrell, and K.M. Taute . Heavy element abundances in AGB stars. I. The Hyades giants . Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 75:578-584 , 2004.