
Title: Identifying Usability Issues of Software Analytics Applications in Immersive Augmented Reality
Authors: David Baum, Stefan Bechert, Ulrich Eisenecker, Isabelle Meichsner, Richard Müller
Year: 2020
Language: EN
Description: Screencast for our publication "Identifying Usability Issues of Software AnalyticsApplications in Immersive Augmented Reality" at IEEE VISSOFT 2020. In this tutorial, we will introduce the augmented reality frontend for Getaviz to you. Getaviz enables you to visually explore software artifacts in mixed reality. ‌
Title: Understanding Conditional Compilation [SPLC 2019]
Authors: David Baum, Christina Sixtus, Lisa Vogelsberg, Ulrich Eisenecker
Year: 2019
Language: EN
Description: Screencast for our publication "Understanding Conditional Compilation through Integrated Representation of Variability and Source Code" at SPLC 2019. In this tutorial we will introduce Getaviz to you. Getaviz can be used to analyze software product lines implemented in C. ‌
Title: 35C3 - Lightning Talks Day 3
Authors: David Baum
Year: 2018
Language: EN
Description: Presentation of Getaviz- Solving your Software Engineering Problems in 3 simple Steps ‌
Title: Open Source Stack for Software Analysis and Visualization [IEEE VISSOFT 2018]
Authors: Richard Müller, Dirk Mahler, Michael Hunger, Jens Nerche, Markus Harrer
Year: 2018
Language: EN
Description: This screencast shows how to scan, analyze, and visualize software artifacts' data with the open source stack (jQAssistant, Neo4j, React, D3). The corresponding paper is published at VISSOFT 2018. ‌
Title: Visualising Design Erosion: How Big Balls of Mud are Made [IEEE VISSOFT 2018]
Authors: David Baum, Jens Dietrich, Craig Anslow, Richard Müller
Year: 2018
Language: EN
Description: Screencast for submission "Visualising Design Erosion: How Big Balls of Mad are Made" at IEEE VISSOFT 2018 ‌
Title: Screencast Getaviz
Authors: David Baum, Jan Schilbach, Pascal Kovacs, Ulrich Eisenecker, Richard Müller
Year: 2017
Language: EN
Description: Screencast for submission "Getaviz: Generating Structural, Behavioral, and Evolutionary Views of Software Systems for Empirical Evaluation" at IEEE VISSOFT 2017 ‌
Title: Seeing Software
Authors: David Baum, Jan Schilbach, Pascal Kovacs, Ulrich Eisenecker, Richard Müller
Year: 2017
Language: EN
Description: Software visualizations support developers during development and maintenance activities or managers in decision-making. They give the initially invisible software system and its properties a meaningful shape and facilitate its analysis and comprehension. The video shows various visualization metaphors and their automatic generation. The resulting visualizations can be interactively explored in a web browser for empirical and analytical evaluations or other practical needs. ‌
Title: Animation verschiedene Layouts
Authors: Jan Schilbach
Year: 2013
Description: Die Model- und Controller-Elemente (Teekessel) sind mit dem Zwiebellayouts, die User-Elemente (Kugeln) mit einem Zufallslayout angeordnet. ‌
Title: Repräsentierende Animation
Authors: Jan Schilbach
Year: 2013
Description: Representierende Animation. Der representierende Knoten (Kugel) bewegt sich von model 1 zu model 2 und controller 1. ‌
Title: Zwiebelmetapher
Authors: Jan Schilbach
Year: 2013
Description: Animierte Darstellung der Zwiebelmetapher an einem fiktiven Beispiel. Umgesetzt in X3D, dargestellt von InstantPlayer.
Title: Kinect-navigation und orientation in 3D
Year: 2013
Title: Animation Zwiebelmetapher
Authors: Jan Schilbach
Year: 2013
Description: Layout aller Elemente durch kraftgerichteten Zwiebellayout-Algorithmus.
Title: Animation zufälliges Layout
Authors: Jan Schilbach
Year: 2013
Description: Animation mit Beispielevents, die durch das Eventmodell verarbeitet werden. Die einzelnen Knoten werden zufällig angeordnet.
Title: Modellinteraktion mit der Wii-Remote und der VDP von IC:IDO
Year: 2010
Description: Testing the modell interaction with Wii-Remote at the virtual-reality-lab of the university Leipzig.
Title: Lecture SVis
Authors: Ulrich Eisenecker
Year: 2017
Language: EN
Title: Getaviz - Solving your Software Engineering Problems in 3 simple Steps
Authors: David Baum
Year: 2017
Language: EN
Title: VR Lab Overview
Year: 2018
Language: EN