Project description

Information about the empirical longitudinal study

SpraStuProjectProject description

The growing number of international students at German universities – i.e. students who earned their university-entrance qualification outside of Germany – is very encouraging (2009: 239,143 students, 2019: 393,579, DAAD/DZHW 2019: 50). However, statistics show that these students drop out of degree programmes, particularly at the undergraduate level, at a much higher rate than their German counterparts (45% dropout rate versus 29% of German students, Heublein & Schmelzer 2018), albeit the percentage varies by region of origin, course of study and type of university.

meta study by the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (2017) confirms the assumption that many international students experience a kind of “academic culture shock” and face several obstacles, in particular the language requirements in their personal, social and academic lives (ibid.: 21-25).

Neither the causes of university dropout among these students nor the required conditions for academic success have been examined through in-depth empirical investigation. It is assumed that significant difficulties result from a combination of problems associated with linguistic preparation, an unfamiliar academic culture, independent learning and social integration (see Heublein 2015: 14). Surveys that have been conducted to date confirm the hypothesis that the German language poses a major obstacle. Furthermore, the percentage of international students who report that they have experienced language difficulties to a large or very large extent has increased (from 19% in 2003 to 32% in 2012, BMBF 2013: 49), surpassing the percentage of students for whom academic requirements are the main obstacle (2003: 19%, 2012: 31%, ibid.). One-quarter of these students report that they are unable to adequately understand their lectures (Heublein/Richter 2011: 52). In addition, international students who have not achieved an adequate level of language proficiency prior to enrolment are apparently unable to sufficiently improve their skills over the course of their studies. German universities estimate that approx. 40% of international students begin their studies without adequate German language proficiency (Heublein/Richter 2011: 52). In spite of this fact, the language proficiency of international students has never been investigated through a comprehensive empirical study.

The SpraStu project seeks to examine the relationships between the academic success of international students and various potential factors of influence, in particular German language proficiency in depth. To this end, we examine the progress of students with non-German university-entrance qualifications who enrol in a bachelor’s or state examination (Staatsexamen) programme at Leipzig University or the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

SpraStu would like to help explain not only why some international students fail academically but also why others succeed. We will identify risk constellations, along with favourable conditions for academic success. SpraStu also aims to determine the areas of language in which students show particular strengths or weaknesses and investigate how these proficiency profiles change over the course of the degree programme. In addition, we will analyse how students can successfully deal with the understanding and use of contextualized academic language (understanding lectures, writing lecture notes and taking written tests). The language-related data collected in these areas will be examined in association with aspects of strategic learning and other factors that influence academic success.

The project findings have numerous implications, above all in the improvement of university-related language teaching and assessment, support and advice services. The early detection of problem constellations makes it possible to offer targeted support measures for international students that, in the future, could help further improve their academic success.

SpraStu focuses on four potential factors of influence on academic success, i.e.:

  1. language proficiency,
  2. academic language,
  3. self-regulation, with a focus on metacognitive strategy knowlegde and
  4. other conditional factors for academic success.

The complex construct of academic success is examined not only by credit points students achieve, but also through regular questionnaires on student satisfaction and loyalty (see also Rech 2012, York et al. 2015).

Language proficiency

Once per year, participants partook in a battery of standardized, CEFR-related (Common European Framework of Reference, Council of Europe 2001) language tests (onSET, TestDaF writing task, ACTFL Reading Proficiency Test and ACTFL Listening Proficiency Test) and a receptive and a productive vocabulary test (Institute for Test Research and Test Development). This helps to reveal strengths and weaknesses in specific language proficiency areas and allows to track their development over time.

TestDaF writing texts are used to compile the longitudinal learner corpus DiSKo (“Deutsch im Studium: Lernerkorpus” / “German at university learner corpus”).

Academic language

Mastering the structures of academic language (Ehlich 1995, 1999), which is essential for academic success, represents a particular challenge for international students. This is why we focus on two activities that require the use of academic language and have been identified as highly relevant for students’ academic pursuits in a related needs analysis (Bärenfänger et al. 2016):

1. lecture notes (taken by students) and
2. written exams.

Text types such as these have been defined as “occluded genres” (Swales 1996), partly because they have not yet received much research attention. Their analysis is methodologically challenging and requires a carefully designed approach including multiple perspectives on the texts and their production (see also Wisniewski 2019). Therefore, the SpraStu project has adopted a multi-method approach based on a number of qualitative and quantitative methods (e.g., interviews, questionnaires, stimulated recalls, content analysis of lecture notes and written exams) to investigate students’ strategies in dealing with language- and content-based difficulties.

Furthermore, a part of this data is compiled into the second project corpus MiKo (“Mitschriften-Korpus” / “lecture note corpus”).

Aspects of self-regulation

Several studies have shown that aspects of self-regulated learning, such as metacognitive knowledge about appropriate strategies for preparing or carrying out tasks, are crucial for Academic success. In addition, we assume that for international students, the language used at university represents a further challenge, and that specific strategies are needed to address this language-related dimension of studying abroad.

Therefore, SpraStu examines different types of strategy knowledge:

  1. general study-related learning strategies (LIST questionnaire, Wild 2000),
  2. metacognitive knowledge about the appropriateness of strategies in study-related scenarios (ScenEx questionnaire, Wisniewski et al. 2019) and
  3. test-taking strategies used in written exams (questionnaire, interview, stimulated recall).

To this purpose, we developed the scenario-based questionnaire ScenEx (Scenario-Based Executive Metacognition in Studying in a Foreign Language) that assesses relational metacognitive strategy knowledge (Neuenhaus et al. 2016) and is freely available in the IRIS Digital Repository.

The compilation of the ScenEx is published in Wisniewski, Parker, Lenhard & Seeger (2019).

Other factors of influence

In addition to the above-described areas of focus, SpraStu investigates several other well-known conditional factors for academic success while also further eliciting self-report data related to language aspects. Thus, at the beginning of their first semester, SpraStu participants fill in a questionnaire related to their socio-economic background, their study and language learning motivation, their language learning biography and other variables. Over the course of their degree programme, the participants regularly report institutional (e.g., study conditions), individual (e.g., academic self-concept, study motivation) and social (e.g., social integration) factors. We also assess study performance, conditions of life (Lebensbedingungen) and the students’ financial situation longitudinally. To this purpose, we use widely used instruments from higher education research (e.g., Apolinarksi & Brandt 2018; Heublein et al. 2010; NSSE 2015).

In addition, we assess selected individual differences commonly addressed in second language acquisition research and/or in study abroad research, such as language contact (Language Engagement Questionnaire, McManus et al. 2014), the willingness to communicate in German, MacIntyre et al. 2001; Mystkowska-Wiertelak & Pawlak 2017) and Language Mindsets (Lou & Noels 2017).

An overview of these constructs and some first results can be found in Wisniewski, Möhring, Lenhard & Seeger (forthcoming).

SpraStu contains two corpora:

The multimodal corpus MiKo (“Mitschriften-Korpus” / “lecture note corpus”)

A selection of university lectures (N=8, duration of 45-90 minutes) from the fields of Medical Studies, Economics, and German as a Foreign Language is transcribed with the help of the transcription editor EXMARaLDA according to slightly modified HIAT transcription conventions (Rehbein et al. 2004). In addition, MiKo contains scans of lecture notes taken by (L1 and L2) students (N=123).

MiKo is methodologically triangulated, as it is linked to lecturer interviews and student questionnaires targeting note-taking.

MiKo will be integrated into the online Database for Spoken German at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, IDS) in Mannheim, Germany, in accordance with data protection and copyright laws.

The longitudinal learner corpus DiSKo (“Deutsch im Studium: Lernerkorpus” / “German at university learner corpus”)

Learner corpora are systematic collections of texts or discourses produced by language learners (Granger et al. 2015). Other examples of German learner corpora are Falko and MERLIN. Learner corpora make it possible to examine linguistic questions related to language acquisition. However, they are also useful tools for linguistic assessment and language teaching.

What makes the texts collected through the SpraStu project (N=595 texts from N=426 authors, length of approx. 400 words each) so unique is that they are available in longitudinal studies (N=513 texts from N=344 authors, from up to three different data-elicitation points) and there is a control group that performed the same TestDaF writing task in their L1 German (N=82 from N=82 authors). In addition, large quantities of metadata are available. This metadata provides information about the evaluation of the respective texts, as well as the language-learning biographies and other language test performance.

The texts have been transcribed with the help of the editor EXMARaLDA Dulko (Hirschmann & Nolda 2019; Nolda 2019) in accordance with a set of transcription guidelines that have been developed by our team. The lemmatisation and POS-tagging of the SpraStu texts have been checked manually through a rigorous process. Furthermore, a minimal target hypothesis is available for a portion of the texts.

N=490 texts are currently being added to the DiSKo corpus. These texts come from the field testing of the new digital TestDaF and also contain new types of task formats. The language competence of the learner was assessed on the basis of an onSET test and will also be available in the corpus, along with other metadata. At the end of the project, the complete DiSKo learner corpus will be made freely accessible online via the ANNIS3 infrastructure.

SpraStu is a longitudinal project (06/2017–10/2020) that is being carried out with three student cohorts (students who began their studies in the 2017/18, 2018/19 or 2019/20 winter semester). The target groups are international students (Bildungsausländer) at Leipzig University and the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. An L1 control group (n=171, start winter semester 2018/19) will allow for the analysis of possible differential effects and has also contributed texts to the DiSKo learner corpus.

Figure 1: Overview of project cohorts and main data-elicitation points in SpraStu. In addition, after each semester, students filled out a questionnaire regarding their current situation at university.

SpraStu participants from all study subjects have taken the main language tests and filled out questionnaires on language proficiency, learning strategies and academic success. Additional data (e.g. on lecture notes and answers from written exams) has been collected from participants enrolled in the following degree programs:

  1. German as a Foreign and Second Language (bachelor)
  2. Computer Science (bachelor)
  3. Medicine (Staatsexamen)
  4. Economics (bachelor)

The main data-collection point was the start of the first winter semester for each cohort, when participants took language tests and filled out learning-strategy questionnaires. This data collection took place once a year, while the students’ academic success and aspects of their current academic situation were evaluated every semester via an extensive questionnaire.

In order to ensure the project’s successful implementation, the research team is working in close cooperation with numerous faculty representatives and other university-based projects focused on the promotion of academic success (Plan A, Academic Lab) with active support from the administrations of the two universities.

Apolinarski, B., & Brandt, T.  (2018). Ausländische Studierende in Deutschland 2016: Ergebnisse der Befragung bildungsausländischer Studierender im Rahmen der 21. Sozialerhebung des Deutschen Studentenwerks durchgeführt vom Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung. Berlin: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Retrieved from

Bärenfänger, O., Lange, D., & Möhring, J. (2015). Sprache und Bildungserfolg: Sprachliche Anforderungen in der Studieneingangsphase. Research papers in assessment: Vol. 1. Leipzig: Institut für Testforschung und Testentwicklung. Retrieved from

BMBF (Ed.). (2013). Ausländische Studierende in Deutschland 2012: Ergebnisse der 20. Sozialerhebung des Deutschen Studentenwerks durchgeführt vom Deutschen Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (DZHW). Berlin. Retrieved from

DAAD/DZHW (2019). Wissenschaft weltoffen 2019. Daten und Fakten zur Internationalität von Studium und Forschung in Deutschland. Fokus: Studienland Deutschland- Motive und Erfahrungen internationaler Studierender. Bielefeld: DAAD/DZHW. Verfügbar unter

Ehlich, K. (1995). Die Lehre der deutschen Wissenschaftssprache: sprachliche Strukturen, didaktische Desiderate. In H. L. Kretzenbacher & H. Weinrich (Eds.), Linguistik der Wissenschaftssprache (pp. 325–351). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

Ehlich, K. (1999). Alltägliche Wissenschaftssprache. Informationen Deutsch Als Fremdsprache, 26(1), 3–24.

Europarat (Ed.). (2001). Gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (J. Quetz, Trans.). Berlin: Langenscheidt.

Heublein, U. (2015). Von den Schwierigkeiten des Ankommens: Überlegungen zur Studiensituation ausländischer Studierender an den deutschen Hochschulen. Die Neue Hochschule, 2015(1), 14–17.

Heublein, U., Ebert, J., Hutzsch, C., Isleib, S., König, R., Richter, J., & Woisch, A. (2017). Zwischen Studienerwartungen und Studienwirklichkeit: Ursachen des Studienabbruchs, beruflicher Verbleib der Studienabbrecherinnen und Studienabbrecher und Entwicklung der Studienabbruchquote an deutschen Hochschulen. Forum Hochschule: Vol. 2017/1. Hannover: Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung.

Heublein, U., Hutzsch, C., Schreiber, J., Sommer, D., & Besuch, G. (2010). Ursachen des Studienabbruchs in Bachelor- und in herkömmlichen Studiengängen: Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Befragung von Exmatrikulierten des Studienjahres 2007/08. HIS: Forum Hochschule: Vol. 2010/2. Hannover: HIS-Hochschul-Informations-System. Retrieved from

Heublein, U. & Schmelzer, R. (2018). Die Entwicklung der Studienabbruchquoten an den deutschen Hochschulen. Statistische Berechnungen auf Basis des Absolventenjahrgangs 2016. Hannover: DZHW.

Heublein, U., & Wank, J. (2011). Bildungsinländer 2011: Daten und Fakten zur Situation von ausländischen Studierenden mit deutscher Hochschulzugangsberechtigung. Bonn: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst.

Hirschmann, H., & Nolda, A. (2019). Dulko – auf dem Weg zu einem deutsch-ungarischen Lernerkorpus. In L. Eichinger, L. M., & Plewnia, A. (Eds.), Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache: Vol. 2018. Neues vom heutigen Deutsch: Empirisch – methodisch – theoretisch (1st ed., pp. 339–342). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

Lou, N. M., & Noels, K. A. (2017). Measuring Language Mindsets and Modeling Their Relations With Goal Orientations and Emotional and Behavioral Responses in Failure Situations. The Modern Language Journal, 101(1), 214–243.

MacIntyre, P. D., Baker, S. C., Clément, R., & Conrod, S. (2001). Willingness to Communicate, Social Support, and Language-Learning Orientations of Immersion Students. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 23(3), 369–388.

Marks, D. (2015). Prüfen sprachlicher Kompetenzen internationaler Studienanfänger an deutschen Hochschulen – Was leistet der TestDaF? Zeitschrift Für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 20(1), 21–39. Retrieved from

McManus, K., Mitchell, R., & Tracy-Ventura, N. (2014). Understanding insertion and integration in a study abroad context: The case of English-speaking sojourners in France. Revue Française De Linguistique Appliquée, 19(2), 97–116. Retrieved from

Morris-Lange, S. (2017). Allein durch den Hochschuldschungel: Hürden zum Studienerfolg für internationale Studierende und Studierende mit Migrationshintergrund (Studie des SVR-Forschungsbereichs 2017-2). Berlin: Forschungsbereich beim Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration (SVR). Retrieved from

Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A., & Pawlak, M. (2017). Willingness to Communicate in Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Combining a Macro- and Micro-Perspective. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Neuenhaus, N., Artelt, C., & Schneider, W. (2017). Lernstrategiewissen im Bereich Englisch: Entwicklung und erste Validierung eines Tests für Schülerinnen und Schüler der frühen Sekundarstufe. Diagnostica, 63(2), 135–147.

Nolda, A. (2019). Annotation von Lernerdaten mit EXMARaLDA (Dulko). Manuscript, Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Retrieved from

NSSE (2015). National Survey of Student Engagement: The College Student Report [Paper-formatted facsimile of a survey instrument]. Retrieved from

Rech, J. (2012). Studienerfolg ausländischer Studierender: Eine empirische Analyse im Kontext der Internationalisierung der deutschen Hochschulen. Internationale Hochschulschriften: Vol. 577. Münster: Waxmann.

Rehbein, J., Schmidt, T., Meyer, B., Watzke, F., & Herkenrath, A. (2004). Handbuch für das computergestützte Transkribieren nach HIAT: Version 1.0. Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit Folge B: Vol. 56. Hamburg: Sonderforschungsbereich 538 Mehrsprachigkeit, Universität Hamburg. Retrieved from

Swales, J. (1996). Occluded Genres in the Academy: The Case of the Submission Letter. In Ventola, E., & Mauranen, A. (Eds.), Academic writing: Intercultural and textual issues. Pragmatics & beyond: New series: Vol. 41. (pp. 45–58). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub.

Wild, K.-P. (2000). Lernstrategien im Studium: Strukturen und Bedingungen. Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie: Vol. 16. Münster: Waxmann.

Wirth, J., & Leutner, D. (2008). Self-Regulated Learning as a Competence: Implications of Theoretical Models for Assessment Methods. Journal of Psychology, 216(2), 102–110.

Wisniewski, K. (2019). Mitschreiben in Vorlesungen. Ein interdisziplinärer Forschungsüberblick mit Fokus Deutsch als L2. In C. Fandrych & R. Schmidlin (Eds.), Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée: Vol. 109. Wissenschaftssprache(n) kontrastiv. 153-170.

Wisniewski, K., Parker, M., Lenhard, W., & Seeger, J. (2019). Sprachbezogenes metakognitives Strategiewissen im Studienalltag internationaler Studierender: Der szenariobasierte Fragebogen ScenEx. Zeitschrift Für Fremdsprachenforschung, 30(1), 55-76.

York, T. T., Gibson, C., & Rankin, S. (2015). Defining and Measuring Academic Success. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 20(5). Retrieved from

13/10/2020: New publication: Wisniewski, K., Möhring, J., Lenhard, W. & Seeger, J. (2020). Sprachkompetenzen und Studienerfolg von BildungsausländerInnen zu Studienbeginn: Erste Erkenntnisse eines empirischen Längsschnittprojekts. In A. Drackert, M. Mainzer-Murrenhoff, A. Soltyska. & A. Timukova (Eds.). Language Testing and Evaluation. Testen bildungssprachlicher Kompetenzen und akademischer Sprachkompetenzen – Synergien zwischen Schule und Hochschule erkennen und nutzen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

21/03/2020: Although the SpraStu team is now working from home owing to the coronavirus pandemic, we will nevertheless remain reachable via email. We send our best wishes to all participants and colleagues: Stay healthy!

28/02/2020: At the end of the project, the multimodal corpus MiKo (“Mitschriften-Korpus” / “lecture note corpus”) will be made available online at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, IDS) in Mannheim.

12/02/2020: On 24 September 2020 SpraStu will be hosting a one-day symposium on the subject of “Language and Academic Success”. Save the date – additional information will be available shortly.

04/02/2020: Our submission for the 17th EALTA Conference from 5 to 7 June 2020 has been accepted. The title of the lecture is “Vocabulary knowledge of international students entering German university: development and relationships to reading, listening, writing and academic success”. Update: – The EALTA Conference has been postponed to next year owing to the coronavirus pandemic.

24/01/2020: SpraStu will be giving a lecture entitled “Hochschulzugangssprachtests und Sprachkompetenzen internationaler Studierender zu Studienbeginn: Einblicke aus einem Studienerfolgsprojekt” at the 47th annual meeting of the DaF/DaZ at Philipps-Universität Marburg from 26 to 28 March 2020. Update: Owing to the coronavirus pandemic, we were unable to give the planned lecture.

Seeger, J., Lenhard, W. & Wisniewski, K. (accepted). Metakognitives Strategiewissen in sprachbezogenen Situationen. Interne Struktur und Validität des ScenEx. Diagnostica.

Wisniewski, K. & Möhring, J. (accepted). Sprachprüfungen zum Hochschulzugang und Sprachkompetenzen internationaler Studierender zu Studienbeginn. Zeitschrift Deutsch als Fremdsprache.

Wisniewski, K. & Lenhard, W. (in print). Der Zusammenhang von Sprache und Studienerfolg bei Bildungsausländerinnen und Bildungsausländern: Ergebnisse aus dem SpraStu-Projekt. In: Neugebauer, M., Daniel, H.-D. & Wolter, A. (Hrsg.), Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch. Springer.

Wisniewski, K., Möhring, J., Lenhard, W. & Seeger, J. (2020).Sprachkompetenzen und Studienerfolg von BildungsausländerInnen zu Studienbeginn: Erste Erkenntnisse eines empirischen Längsschnittprojekts. In A. Drackert, M. Mainzer-Murrenhoff, A. Soltyska. & A. Timukova (Eds.). Language Testing and Evaluation. Testen bildungssprachlicher Kompetenzen und akademischer Sprachkompetenzen – Synergien zwischen Schule und Hochschule erkennen und nutzen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Wisniewski, K. (2019). Mitschreiben in Vorlesungen. Ein interdisziplinärer Forschungsüberblick mit Fokus Deutsch als L2. In C. Fandrych & R. Schmidlin (Eds.), Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée: Vol. 109. Wissenschaftssprache(n) kontrastiv. 153-170.

Wisniewski, K., Parker, M., Lenhard, W. & Seeger, J. (2019). Sprachbezogenes metakognitives Strategiewissen im Studienalltag internationaler Studierender: Der szenariobasierte Fragebogen ScenEx. Zeitschrift Für Fremdsprachenforschung, 30(1), 55-76.

Möhring, J. (2019). Hör- und Lesetests als Diagnoseinstrument zur Förderung und Analyse der bildungssprachlichen Kompetenzen internationaler Studierender. In M. Barras, K. Karges, T. Studer, & E. Wiedenkeller (Eds.), IDT 2017: Band 2: Sektionen (pp. 445–451). Berlin: Schmidt, Erich. Retrieved from

Wisniewski, K. (2018). Sprache und Studienerfolg von Bildungsausländerinnen und -ausländern: Eine Längsschnittstudie an den Universitäten Leipzig und Würzburg. Informationen Deutsch Als Fremdsprache, 45(4), 573–597.

Möhring, Jupp; Wisniewski, Katrin. Vocabulary knowledge of international students entering German university: development and relationships to reading, listening, writing and academic success. EALTA 2021 Conference. Online. 04.06.-05.06.2021.

Möhring, Jupp: Test und gut – Sprachkompetenzen und Studienerfolg internationaler Studierender. Hueber Fachtag Prüfungen: Praktisches Expertenwissen – von DTZ bis Hochschulzertifikat! Digital. 27.03.2021.

Möhring, Jupp: Sprachkompetenzen internationaler StudierenderAbschlussworkshop des Projekts „Wege von Geflüchteten an deutsche Hochschulen“. Digital. 07.-08.12.2020. (with Katrin Wisniewski)

Wisniewski, Katrin: Sprache und Studienerfolg bei Bildungsausländer/-innen. Interne Abschlusstagung der BMBF Förderlinie „Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch“. Digital. 24.-25.09.2020.

Seeger, Jennifer; Parker, Maria (2020): Metacognitive strategy knowledge in L1 versus L2 language learners. A scenario-based comparison regarding learning contexts at university. Lecture. AILA 2020: World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Groningen, Niederlande. 09.-14.08.2020 (accepted; conference postponed to 2021).

Fischer, Leonore; Wisniewski, Katrin; Feldmüller, Tim. MiKo (Mitschreiben in Vorlesungen: Ein multimodales, methodentrianguliertes Lehr-Lernkorpus) – Note-taking in Lectures: A Multimodal, Triangulated Corpus of Academic Language. Lecture. AILA 2020: World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Groningen, Niederlande. 09.-14.08.2020 (accepted; conference postponed to 2021).

Wisniewski, Katrin. Mitschreiben in Vorlesungen: Anforderungsprofil und Möglichkeiten der empirischen Analyse. Lecture. 14. Kongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik, Palermo, Italy. 26.07.-02.08.2020 (accepted).

Wisniewski, Katrin, Möhring, Jupp. Hochschulzugangssprachtests und Sprachkompetenzen internationaler Studierender zu Studienbeginn: Einblicke aus einem Studienerfolgsprojekt. 47. Jahrestagung DaF/DaZ des FaDaF. Marburg. 26.03.-28.03.2020 (accepted; the FaDaF was held using digital formats; unfortonately, the SpraStu team was unable to attend).

Wisniewski, Katrin. Sprachliche Herausforderungen im Studium oder: Warum es nicht reicht, einen Hochschulzulassungssprachtest zu bestehen. Lecture. 3. Andiner Deutschlehrerkongress, Bogotá, Colombia. 17.09.-20.09.2019 (accepted).

Portmann, Annette; Muntschick, Elisabeth; Wisniewski, Katrin. Textual borrowing from tasks and proficiency levels in assessment-related learner corpora: An exploratory study for DiSKo and MERLIN. Lecture. 5th Learner Corpus Research Conference, Warschau, Polen. 12.09.-14.09.2019.

Wisniewski, Katrin; Muntschick, Elisabeth; Fischer, Leonore.  Das Projekt „Sprache und Studienerfolg“: Ein Werkstattbericht. Lecture. Research colloquium of the Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. 03.07.2019.

Wisniewski, Katrin; Möhring, Jupp; Lenhard, Wolfgang; Seeger, Jennifer. International students enter German university: An empirical study of language proficiency and academic success. Lecture. 16th EALTA conference , University College Dublin, Ireland. 31.05.-02.06.2019.

Seeger, Jennifer; Lenhard, Wolfgang; Wisniewski, Katrin; Parker, Maria. Scenex: A New Instrument for the Assessment of Language-Related Metacognitive Strategies in International Students. Poster. 31st APS Annual Convention. Washington, DC, USA. 23.05.-26.05.2019.

Wisniewski, Katrin; Möhring, Jupp. Zum Zusammenhang von sprachlichen Kompetenzen und Studienerfolg von internationalen Studierenden zu Studienanfang. Vortrag. Studienkolleg Sachsen & interDaF e.V. Universität Leipzig. 22.05.2019.

Wisniewski, Katrin; Möhring, Jupp; Muntschick, Elisabeth; Fischer, Leonore.  Das Projekt „Sprache und Studienerfolg“: Ein Werkstattbericht. Lecture. Research colloquium of the Herder-Institut, Leipzig University, Germany. 08.05.2019.

Wisniewski, Katrin; Lenhard, Wolfgang; Möhring, Jupp; Seeger, Jennifer; Parker, Maria. Sprachkompetenzen und sprachbezogenes metakognitives Strategiewissen internationaler Studierender zu Studienbeginn. Lecture. Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung 2019, University of Cologne, Germany. 25.02.-27.02.2019.

Seeger, Jennifer; Lenhard, Wolfgang; Wisniewski, Katrin; Möhring, Jupp; Parker, Maria. Sprache und Studienerfolg bei ausländischen Studierenden. Eine empirische Längsschnittstudie. Poster Session. Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung 2019, University of Cologne, Germany. 25.02.-27.02.2019.

Wisniewski, Katrin; Möhring, Jupp. Hochschulzulassungssprachtests und die sprachliche Realität von Bildungsausländer/-innen in der Studieneingangsphase. Lecture. SPRACHE.TESTEN Symposium 2018, Bochum, Germany. 09.11.-10.11.2018.

Wisniewski, Katrin; Möhring, Jupp. Sprache und Studienerfolg bei Geflüchteten und anderen Bildungsausländer/-innen: Ein empirisches Längsschnittprojekt. Poster Session. GAL Kongress 2018, Duisburg & Essen, Germany. 11.09.-14.09.2018. Poster Download

Wisniewski, Katrin. Language and academic success of international students. A longitudinal research project. Lecture. 6. INDUS Meeting,Tübingen, Germany. 28.02.-01.03.2018.

Wisniewski, Katrin; Parker, Maria; Möhring, Jupp. Das Projekt „Sprache und Studienerfolg“: Ein Werkstattbericht. Lecture. Research colloquium of the Herder-Institut, Leipzig University, Germany. 11.01.2018.

Möhring, Jupp. Lesekompetenz: Anforderungen in Tests zum Nachweis sprachlicher Studierfähigkeit und in der Studieneingangsphase im Vergleich. Lecture. 27. DGFF Kongress. Jena, Germany. 27.09.-30.09.2017.

Möhring, Jupp. Hör- und Lesetests als Diagnoseinstrument zur Förderung der bildungssprachlichen Kompetenzen internationaler Studierender. Lecture. XVI. Internationalen Konferenz der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer,Fribourg, Switzerland. 31.07.-04.08.2017.

Wisniewski, Katrin. Language and academic success of international students at German universities. Lecture.14th EALTA conference, Sèvres, France 31.05.-03.06.2017.

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