Internal Lab
Safety Regulations Cell
Culture Rules
Safety Levels
Safety Level 1: genetically modified organisms that do not
pose a risk for human health and the environment
Examples: SVT2 cells, genetically modified cells from Karla or Casey,
GFP-labeled cells
Safety Level 2: genetically modified organisms that pose a
moderate risk for human health and the environment
Examples: cells from human patients that have not been tested for HIV
and Hepatitis B/C
Not classified: unmodified fibroblasts (NIH3T3, BALB3T3), unmodified
neurons (PC12, NG108), fish keratocytes (should be regarded as S1 to be
on the safe side)
Same regulations apply for genetically altering cells and doing experiments
with already modified cells! Same rules apply for cell culture lab as
well as BONG, AFM and Stretcher labs!
Rules of Conduct for S1
Doors have to be closed
Appropriate protective clothing (lab coat, gloves, evtl. goggles)
No mouth-pipetting -> use pipette aid
Beware of aerosols. If you can't avoid them work under a chemical flow
Use needles and syringes only if absolutely necessary. Do not recap. Dispose
in appropriate containers.
No drinking, eating, smoking, application of make-up, or storage of food
and drinks.
Labs have to be clean and tidy. Only necessary items and materials at workplace.
Work area has to be cleaned immediately after completion of work. Work
surfaces have to be disinfected with "Descosept"
Before and after work hands have to be washed/disinfected (see separate
skin protection plan).
Transport, Storage, Disposal
Transport, storage, and disposal are "gentechnische Arbeiten"
Transport of S1 materials only in tightly sealable, unbreakable containers
Storage of S1 materials only in -80C freezer or in lN2 in clearly labeled
vials (room 310). The vials have to be listed in the folder.
Any liquid or solid trash that had contact with S1 material has to be autoclaved
before discarding (room 116, 20 min, 121C). After that disposal in normal
There are special rules for the disposal of chemical waste.
Emergency Situations
In case of S1 material spill:
secure the area
use paper towels to soak up the spill
autoclave paper towels
disinfect with "Descosept"
In case of small injuries first aid kits in all labs
In case of skin or eye contact use emergency showers and eye rinse (room
In case of serious injuries: Notfallzentrum/Emergency ward Phone: 17801
Notify Josef or Undine or BBS (Prof. Pustowoit) immediately, especially
in the case of injuries