Privacy Statement

With the exception of the data mentioned below, no data is collected about visitors to our website that allows conclusions to be drawn about any natural persons.

If personal data is collected on the Leipzig University website (e.g. when registering for events), we request your consent in advance.

If, in individual cases, Leipzig University processes personal data, the data subject may at any time request information about the personal data processed about them (“right of access”) and about possible recipients of the data to whom it has been transmitted. Leipzig University is required to provide this information within one month of receiving the data subject’s request for information.

We have taken all necessary and suitable technical and organisational measures to ensure that the regulations on data protection can be complied with within Leipzig University. If, however, you believe that Leipzig University has violated your right to protection of your personal data, then you may file a complaint with the University’s data protection officer or the Saxon Commissioner for Data Protection.

We would like to point out that transferring data, especially by email, over the internet is essentially insecure. It cannot be ruled out that unauthorised parties may gain access to and possibly even falsify transmitted data.

Data protection officer at Leipzig University
Leipzig University
04109 Leipzig

Tel.: +49 341 97-30081

Postal address
Saxon Commissioner for Data Protection
Postfach 11 01 32                                                                                  
01330 Dresden

Visitor address
Saxon Commissioner for Data Protection
Devrientstraße 5
01067 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 85471-101
Fax: +49 351 85471-109


Informationen about portals and platforms

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