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Page 95
Proof (of Proposition 5.8): For each 0095-001.gif, define 0095-002.gif. Let 0095-003.gif is recursive }. Clearly, 0095-004.gif.
Suppose, however, that a consistent scientist M identifies Image-1023.gif. Let h be the function defined by the following equation:
Since M must be total, h is clearly total recursive. Thus h satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 5.9, so there is a recursive set S such that no 0095-006.gif is a characteristic function of S. But let i' be an index for S, and let  s ' be a locking sequence for M on Li'. Suppose 0095-007.gif. Then 0095-008.gif, which implies that 0095-009.gif. Now suppose 0095-010.gif. Then 0095-011.gif, since M is consistent so that 0095-012.gif. Thus 0095-013.gif is the characteristic function of S, contradicting the choice of S.
We now consider the class version of consistency in which a scientist is required to be consistent only on the evidential states drawn from the languages under consideration.
5.11 Definition (Barzdins * [13]) 0095-014.gif 0095-015.gif
We leave it to the reader to show the following proposition which establishes that the class version of consistency also restricts TxtEx.
5.12 Proposition (Barzdins* [13]) 0095-016.gif.
A natural question is how the global and class versions of consistency compare. As the Image-1024.gif of the proof of 5.8 is readily seen to be in [TxtEx]class-consistent, that proof also yields the following.
5.13 Proposition 0095-017.gif.
§5.2.3 Accountability
We next consider scientists whose hypotheses always include some prediction about the state of affairs outside the data thus far seen.

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