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Page 53
from Chapter 2 that 0053-001.gif is the characteristic function of 0053-002.gif just in case, for all 0053-003.gif, f(x) = 1 if and only if 0053-004.gif. Let C0 be the collection of all 0053-005.gif such that f is the characteristic function of a finite set, or f is the characteristic function of N. Of course, 0053-006.gif.
3.46 Proposition No memory-limited scientist identifies C0.
Hence, no memory-limited scientist identifies Image-0526.gif.
Our demonstration of Proposition 3.46 rests on the following version of Exercise 3-6. Its proof is a simple adaptation of the argument used to establish Theorem 3.22, and is left for the reader.
3.47 Theorem Suppose that scientist F identifies 0053-007.gif, and let 0053-008.gif be such that 0053-009.gif. Then there is nonempty 0053-010.gif SEG such that:
(a) 0053-011.gif;
(b) 0053-012.gif
(c) 0053-013.gif.
Proof (of Proposition 3.46): Let f be the characteristic function of N, and suppose that memory-limited F identifies f. It will be shown that F fails to identify the characteristic function of some finite set.
By choosing 0053-014.gif in Theorem 3.47, we may choose nonempty 0053-015.gif SEG such that:
3.48 (a) 0053-016.gif;
(b) 0053-017.gif
(c) 0053-018.gif.
Let 0053-019.gif, and let g be the characteristic function of D. Thus, 0053-020.gif because D is finite. Suppose that F identifies g (otherwise, F fails to identify the characteristic function of some finite set, and the proof is finished). Letting  l  in 3.47 be  s , choose  s ' such that:
3.49 (a) 0053-021.gif;
(b) 0053-022.gif
(c) 0053-023.gif.

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