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Page 52
3.43 Theorem Image-0521.gif is identifiable.
Proof: The key property of Image-0522.gif is this. Suppose that f, 0052-001.gif and 0052-002.gif. Then there are 0052-003.gif such that 0052-004.gif, 0052-005.gif and 0052-006.gif. It follows that if G is a text for f, there is 0052-007.gif such that the information in G[n] shows that G is not for g.
Now define scientist F as follows. For all 0052-008.gif, let F( s ) be the least 0052-009.gif such that:
(a)  j i is total; and
(b) 0052-010.gif.
By Lemma 3.40, F is well defined.
Thus, F guesses the first member of Image-0523.gif that is consistent with  s . Our preceding remarks show that, given a text G for 0052-011.gif, F will eventually conjecture and stay with the least index for f, having verified that G is not a text for any function with smaller index.
Although some scientist identifies Image-0524.gif, there is no guarantee that a scientist with various special properties can do so as well. In particular, we shall see in the next chapter that no computable scientist has this ability. Memory limitation also prevents identification of Image-0525.gif, even by scientists representing noncomputable mappings of SEG to N. We examine this matter now; it is the last topic to be discussed in the present chapter.
§3.10.1 Memory Limitation for Function Identification
The following definitions parallel those given in Section 3.8 for the language case.
3.44 Definition Let 0052-012.gif be given.
(a) The result of removing the last pair in  s  is denoted by  s -; if 0052-012.gif, then 0052-013.gif0052-014.gif.
(b) 0052-015.gif — i.e., the last pair in  s  — is denoted by  s last; if 0052-016.gif, then  s last is undefined.
3.45 Definition Scientist F is memory limited just in case for all 0052-017.gif of positive length, if 0052-018.gif and 0052-019.gif, then 0052-020.gif.
We shall now define a simple collection of functions that is identified by no memory-limited scientist. For this purpose, the following standard terminology is helpful. Recall

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