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proposition. Recall that our standard pairing function 0266-001.gif is one-one, onto, and monotone nondecreasing in both arguments.
For each i, n, and x, define
Since 0266-003.gif is recursive, we have that 0266-004.gif is partial recursive. Observe that 0266-005.gif is total if and only if  j i is total and 0266-006.gif. Moreover, if 0266-007.gif is total, then 0266-008.gif. For each 0266-009.gif, define
It follows that, for each 0266-011.gif, 0266-012.gif,  y M'(g) = g and conv(M', g) = conv(M, g). Finally, since for all i and n, 0266-013.gif, it follows that for each 0266-014.gif, M' id-BoundedEx y -identifies g.
Note that the h witnessing the above is extremely simple. In contrast, we have the following which says that there exists a programming system  y  for which there are collections of functions that can be identified with no more than one mind change with respect to  y , but that are not in h-Bounded-Ex y  for any recursive function h.
12.9 Proposition (Wiehagen [199]) There exists a programming system  y  for which there are collections of functions S such that 0266-015.gif).
Proof: Let X be any nonrecursive r.e. set and let f be a 1-1 recursive function such that range(f) = X. Without loss of generality, let 0266-016.gif. Let 0266-017.gif and, for each 0266-018.gif, let
For each i, define
Clearly, 0266-021.gif is partial recursive.
It is clear that 0266-022.gif. Suppose by way of contradiction that, for some recursive h, M h-BoundedEx-identifies each  y i. Let k = h(0). Then it follows that 0266-023.gif if and only if 0266-024.gif. But this contradicts the nonrecursiveness of X.

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