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Page 258
(b) 0258-001.gif, and
(c) for all Image-2610.gif with 0258-002.gif and 0258-003.gif, we have that 0258-004.gif.
We refer to  s  as an OATxtEx-locking sequence for M on L.
Proof (of Proposition 11.15): Define
0258-006.gif, and
11.17 Claim 0258-008.gif.
Proof: We first note that by the s-m-n theorem (Theorem 2.1) there are recursive functions g0 and g1 such that for all i and j:
Consider the following oracle scientist (with oracle X).
Program for MX on  s 
If 0258-011.gif for some 0258-012.gif and some nonempty 0258-013.gif,
then output 0 and halt.
Let i and D be such that 0258-014.gif
If 0258-015.gif
then output g
else output g1(i, j), where j is the canonical index of D.
End Program
We leave it as an exercise to show that MB TxtEx-identifies Image-2611.gif.
11.18 Claim 0258-016.gif.
Proof: Suppose by way of contradiction that there is an M that OCTxtEx-identifies.Image-2612.gif We show that 0258-017.gif
Suppose i is such that Ai is finite. Then by our definition of Image-2613.gif, 0258-018.gif Thus, by Lemma 11.16 there is an OCTxtEx-locking sequence for M on 0258-019.gif.

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