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Page 249
Now show that 0249-001.gif and 0249-002.gif.
10-19 Give a proof of Proposition 10.47.
Hint: Fix some integer m > 1. Let n0 = 0, and for each i and each j < i, let
For each j, let 0249-007.gif. Consider Image-2502.gif, the class of languages 0249-008.gif, each of which satisfies:
1. 0249-009.gif
2. 0249-010.gif
3. 0249-011.gif
4. 0249-012.gif
5.0249-013.gif is finite or co-finite.
Show that 0249-014.gif (first, use the additional information to construct a text for the complement of the input language; then use the identification method used to identify finite (respectively, co-finite) languages on characteristic function input). Also, observe that 0249-015.gif, and 0249-016.gif. Use this observation to argue that 0249-017.gif.

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