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10-13 Use a technique similar to the one for Exercise 10-11 to show that, for all d1 and d2 with d1 + d2 < 1, 0248-001.gif. Also, verify that this result implies that, for all d < 1, 0248-002.gif.
10-14 Show that, for all d1 > 0 and all d2 < 1, 0248-003.gif.
Hint: Without loss of generality, assume that d1 = 2/m and d2 = (m - 2)/m for an integer 0248-004.gif. Let no n0 = 0, n2i+1 = mi+1 + n2i, and n2i+2 = n2i+1 + (i + 1) · m. Let 0248-005.gif and, for each j, 0248-006.gif. Then, use C, the class of functions 0248-007.gif, each of which satisfies:
1. For all 0248-008.gif,f(x) = 0.
2. For all j and all 0248-009.gif, f(x) = f(j).
10-15 Suppose d1, d2, and d3 are such that d2 < dl and d3 < 1. Show 0248-010.gif
Hint: Without loss of generality, assume that d2 = l/m, d1 = (l + 2)/m, and d3 = (m - 2)/m for integers 0248-011.gif and 0248-012.gif. Let n0 = 0, n2i+1 = mi+1 + n2i, and n2i+2 = n2i+1 + (i + 1) · m. Let 0248-013.gif and, for each j, let 0248-014.gif. Then, use C, the class of functions 0248-015.gif each of which satisfies:
1. For each 0248-016.gif, f(x) = 0
2. For all j and all 0248-017.gif, f(x = f(j)..
10-16 Use a technique similar to the one in the hint for Exercise 10-15 to show that, for all dl and d2 with d1 > d2, 0248-018.gif.
10-17 Use a technique similar to the one in the hint for Exercise 10-15 to show that, for all d1, d2, and d3 with d2 > d1 and d1 + d3 < 1, 0248-019.gif.
10-18 Give a proof of Proposition 10.36.
Hint: Without loss of generality, assume that d2 = (k + 3)/m and d1 = k/m for integers k and m with 0248-020.gif. Let n0 = -1 and ni = mi. Let Sj denote the set 0248-021.gif. Let 0248-022.gif. Consider the class C of functions 0248-023.gif, each of which satisfies:
1. 0248-024.gif
2. For each j, 0248-025.gif.

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