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The subject of Ap and Uap types of additional information for Bc, TxtFex, and TxtBc is covered in Jain and Sharma [85].
Other approaches to additional information have been considered by Fulk [68], by Case, Kaufmann, Kinber, and Kummer [32], by Baliga and Case[1l], and by Kaufmann and Stephan [104].
§10.5 Exercises
10-1 Consider a variant of Bexa,c-identification in which the additional information about a function f is provided as a sequence whose limiting value is an upper bound on MinProgc(f). More formally, let X range over infinite sequences of natural numbers x0, x1, x2,. . . and let 0245-001.gif denote the limit of the sequence, if the sequence converges.
10.52 Definition Let a, 0245-002.gif.
(a) M BEXa,c-identifies f (written: 0245-003.gif just in case, for all X such that 0245-004.gif), we have 0245-005.gif and, for 0245-006.gif, 0245-007.gif.
(b) 0245-008.gif
Show that for each a, 0245-009.gif, Bexa,c = BEXa,c. Does a similar result hold for other paradigms in Section 10.2?
10-2 Complete the proof of Proposition 10.12.
10-3 Give a proof for Proposition 10.13.
Hint: Consider:
It is easy to verify that 0245-013.gif. Use Kleene's recursion theorem (Theorem 2.3) to show that 0245-014.gif.

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