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Page 239
10.36 Proposition Suppose 0239-001.gif. Then 0239-002.gif.
We next show that allowing an extra error in the final inferred program cannot, in general, be compensated by the best Uap-type additional information.
10.37 Proposition
(a) For all 0239-003.gif, 0239-004.gif.
(b) 0239-005.gif.
Proof: For each 0239-006.gif, define
Also, for each 0239-008.gif, define 0239-009.gif. Observe that for all 0239-010.gif,
We leave it as exercise to show that the proposition follows from the above observation together with results from Section 6.1.1.
The previous three results imply the following corollary, which reveals the complete relationship between UapdExa and ApdExa for various values of a and d. The proof of the corollary is left to the reader.
10.38 Corollary Let a, 0239-012.gif and d1, 0239-013.gif.
(a) 0239-014.gif.
(b) 0239-015.gif.
(c) For all 0239-016.gif, 0239-017.gif.
In the paradigms considered above, partial explanations do not contradict the function being learned. There is no reason to believe, however, that the state-of-the-art explanation available to a scientist is necessarily free of errors of commission. A natural, and currently open, line of further investigation is to consider approximations that are correct on a set of certain density and either undefined or incorrect off that set.

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