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Page 192
8-20 Prove Proposition 8.24
Hint: First consider the case i = 1. For a function f, define 0192-001.gif. Let
Show that 0192-003.gif. For i > 1, modify the definition of Sf appropriately.
8-21 Prove Proposition 8.25
8-22 Prove Proposition 8.26
Hint: First consider the case j = 0. Suppose a rearrangement-independent scientist M is given. For 0192-004.gif, consider any text G that is 2i imperfect for f. For each x, y, z such that 0192-005.gif, assume without loss of generality that 0192-006.gif. Note that this implies there are at most i noisy elements in G. First show that if for some D of cardinality i and for some n1 and n2 with n1 < n2 we have
for each 0192-007.gif with cardinality i, there is a 0192-008.gif with 0192-009.gif such that 0192-010.gif is a locking sequence for M on content(G) - D - D';
then, either
(i) there exists a noisy element in content(G[n2]) - content(G[n1]), or
(ii) for some 0192-011.gif with cardinality i, 0192-012.gif, where 0192-013.gif is as above, is a program for f.
Next, use the above facts to obtain, in the limit, a finite set of programs, one of which is a program for f.
8-23 Prove: 0192-014.gif.
8-24 Prove: 0192-015.gif.
8-25 Prove Proposition 8.46.

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