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Page 191
(a) 0191-001.gif
(b) Let L be recursive. Then, 0191-002.gif. Compare this result to Exercise 8-4.
8-10 Prove: N*Lang = Im*Lang.
8-11 Prove: 0191-003.gif.
8-12 Prove: 0191-004.gif.
Hint: Note that Image-2001.gif from the proof of Proposition 8.12 can be used to show that 0191-005.gif. A similar argument works here.
8-13 Prove, for all 0191-006.gif, that 0191-007.gif. This is an extension of Proposition 8.13.
8-14 In the context of identification from inaccurate texts with a finite number of inaccuracies, this exercise compares situations in which a bound on the number of inaccuracies is available to situations in which there is no such bound. Show that 0191-008.gif is nonempty. Hint: The positive part of this has to be non-constructive in i.
8-15 Prove Proposition 8.15.
8-16 Obtain the following hierarchies as corollaries to Proposition 8.15.
(a) 0191-009.gif
(b) 0191-010.gif
(c) 0191-011.gif
8-17 Prove Proposition 8.19.
8-18 Since 0191-012.gif, there is scope for further fine-tuning of Corollary 8.20. As an example of such a refinement, show that for each 0191-013.gif, 0191-014.gif.
Open Question: 0191-015.gif?
8-19 Prove: 0191-016.gif.

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