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Page 179
Proof: Suppose by way of contradiction that M TxtEx*-identifies Image-1901.gif. Then by the operator recursion theorem, there exists a recursive, 1-1, increasing p such that Wp(.) may be defined in stages as described below.
In the following construction, 0179-001.gif denotes the part of Wp(i) enumerated before stage s. (Note that there is no stage 0.) Let 0179-002.gif and, for each i > 1, let 0179-003.gif. Also let  s 1 = (<0, p(0)>, <1, p(1)>). Go to stage 1.
Begin ( Stage s )
1. Enumerate 0179-004.gif into each of W
p(0), Wp(1), Wp(2s) and Wp(2s + 1).
Enumerate <2, p(2s)> into both W
p(0) and Wp(2s)..
Enumerate <2, p(2s + 1)> into both W
p(1) and Wp(2s + 1).
Let 0179-005.gif be an extension of
 s s such that 0179-006.gif.
Let 0179-007.gif be an extension of
 s s such that 0179-008.gif
2. Dovetail between 2a and 2b until, if ever, step 2b succeeds. If and when step 2b succeeds, go to step 3.
2a. 0179-009.gif
2b. Search for 0179-012.gif, 0179-013.gif such that
3. If and when 2b succeeds, let i and n be as found in 2b and set
 s s+1 = an extension of 0179-018.gif) such that content( s s+1) = S.
Enumerate S in both W
p(0) and Wp(1).
Go to stage s + 1.
End ( Stage s. )
Consider the following two cases.
Case 1: Infinitely many stages are executed. In this case, let 0179-019.gif. But M on 0179-020.gif, a text for L, makes infinitely many mind changes—since the only

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