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Page 176
Proof: For each 0176-001.gif define:
Consider the collection of functions 0176-006.gif. We first show that 0176-007.gif. Suppose, by way of contradiction, that some scientist M InlEx*-identifies Image-1811.gif. We describe a scientist M' which Ex*-identifies Image-1812.gif—yielding a contradiction. For each f, let Gf denote a text such that for all k, x, Gf(<k, x>) = (1 + <k, x>, f(x)). Note that Gf is a 1-incomplete text for f'. Also, note that Gf[n] can be effectively computed from f[n]. Let g be a recursive function such that for all p, x,  j g(p)(x) =  j p(<1 + <0, x>>). Define M' such that M'(f[n])). Note that M' can easily be constructed from a description of M. Clearly, for each 0176-008.gif, if  j p =* f', then  j g(p) =* f. Since M InlEx*-identifies Image-1813.gif, it follows that M' Ex*-identifies Image-1814.gif. However, 0176-009.gif (Corollary 6.11); thus 0176-010.gif.
We now show that 0176-011.gif. Let F be a mapping from SEGI to SEGI such that for each 0176-012.gif,
Also, for each text G, define the text G' such that for all n,
Now let G be a *-noisy text for 0176-015.gif. It is easy to see that for all but finitely many n, G'[n] = F(G[n]). Also, for all i, x, and y, we have 0176-016.gif. Moreover, from the finitely many candidates for f'(0) (at least one

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