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Page 137
index pi for which 0137-001.gif. (Recall that 0137-002.gif is the finite function with graph content( s ).) Clearly, each of the uncanceled indexes makes only up to n errors of commission. For each uncanceled pi, let Epi denote the set of these 0137-003.gif points for which it can be detected in 0137-004.gif steps that pi makes an error of commission. More precisely, 0137-005.gif.
Now, for each uncanceled pi, let qi be an index of a program that behaves exactly like the program with index pi but is patched to agree with  s  on arguments in Epi. To be precise, qi is defined as follows:
Finally, let p be an index of a program formed from each of these qi's (derived from the uncanceled pi's) whose behavior is described as follows. The program with index p on any input y simulates each of the programs with indexes qi's on input y and outputs the same value as the (lexicographically least) qi, which converges first. M' on input  s  outputs p.
We now argue that 0137-007.gif. Let 0137-008.gif. Then any index q output infinitely often by M on f is such that  s q =n f. Choose m0 to be so large that the following hold:
1. If program q is ever output by M on f, then q has been output at least once by M on f[m0], that is, 0137-009.gif.
2. If, for some 0137-010.gif, we have 0137-011.gif, then q is cancelled by M' after it has seen f[m0].
3. For each 0137-012.gif that is never cancelled, we have that q's at most n convergent anomalies (if any) are discovered in 0137-013.gif steps, and these anomalies are all less than m0.
Clearly, such an m0 exists. Also, after M' has seen f[m0], M' performs no new cancelations. Hence, in the limit M' on f outputs an index p that simulates a collection of indexes qi, none of which makes an error of commission and at least one of which makes no more than n errors of omission. Hence,  j p =n f.
A proof of the a = * case can be worked out by modifying the above argument. The modification is based on the following observation. For the a = * case, the main problem arises in determining when a program has made enough convergent errors (so that it can be cancelled). For this, the machine M', upon seeing f[m], cancels a program, p, just in case it can be determined in 0137-014.gif steps that p makes more convergent errors on inputs

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