Regular languages and finite automata

What are the languages that can be described by finite automata?

Implementing algebraic operations on languages at the machine level

We have three simple implementations of NFAs.

  • ‘concrete’ (everything is a list)

    data NFA_List q sigma =
      [q] -- the set of initial states
      [(q,sigma,q)] -- the transition relation
      [q] -- the set of final states
  • ‘abstract’ (everything is a function)

    data NFA_Func q sigma =
      (q -> Bool) -- initial states
      (q -> sigma -> q -> Bool) -- transitions
      (q -> Bool) -- final states
  • ‘mixed’

    data NFA_Mixed q sigma =
      [q] -- initial states
      (q -> Maybe sigma -> [q]) -- transitions
      (q -> Bool) -- final states

These representations contain the same information, but they differ in their constructivity.


The idea is to swap out final and non-final states.

  • concrete

    compList :: Eq q => NFA_List q sigma -> NFA_List q sigma
    compList (NFA_List inits trans finals) = NFA_List inits trans newFinals
        newFinals = allStates \\ finals
        allStates = nub (inits ++ concat [[q,q'] | (q,_,q') <- trans])
  • abstract

    compFunc :: NFA_Func q sigma -> NFA_Func q sigma
    compFunc (NFA_Func inits trans finals)  = NFA_Func inits trans (not . finals)
  • mixed

    compMixed :: NFA_Mixed q sigma -> NFA_Mixed q sigma
    compMixed (NFA_Mixed inits trans finals) = NFA_Mixed inits trans (not . finals)

Union and Intersection

The idea is to walk through both machines simultaneously

  • concrete

    xProdList :: (Eq q,Eq sigma) => NFA_List q sigma -> NFA_List q' sigma -> ((q,q') -> Bool) -> NFA_List (q,q') sigma
    xProdList (NFA_List inits trans finals) (NFA_List inits' trans' finals') newFinalTest =
      NFA_List [(q,q') | q <- inits, q' <- inits']
               [((q1,q1'),a,(q2,q2')) | (q1,a,q2) <- trans,
                                        (q1',b,q2') <- trans',
                                         a == b]
               (filter newFinalTest [(q,q') | q <- allStates, q' <- allStates'])
        allStates = nub (inits ++ concat [[q,q'] | (q,_,q') <- trans])
        allStates' = nub (inits' ++ concat [[q,q'] | (q,_,q') <- trans'])
    unionList nfa1@(NFA_List _ _ finals) nfa2@(NFA_List _ _ finals') = xProdList nfa1 nfa2 (\(q,q') -> elem q finals || elem q' finals')
    intersectList nfa1@(NFA_List _ _ finals) nfa2@(NFA_List _ _ finals') = xProdList nfa1 nfa2 (\(q,q') -> elem q finals && elem q' finals')
  • abstract

    xProdFunc :: NFA_Func q sigma -> NFA_Func q' sigma -> ((q,q') -> Bool) -> NFA_Func (q,q') sigma
    xProdFunc (NFA_Func inits trans finals) (NFA_Func inits' trans' finals') =
      NFA_Func (\ (q,q') -> inits q && inits' q')
               (\ (q1,q1') a (q2,q2') -> trans q1 a q2 && trans' q1' a q2')
    unionFunc nfa@(NFA_Func _ _ finals)  nfa'@(NFA_Func _ _ finals') =
      xProdFunc nfa nfa' (\ (q,q') -> finals q || finals' q')
    intersectFunc nfa@(NFA_Func _ _ finals)  nfa'@(NFA_Func _ _ finals') =
      xProdFunc nfa nfa' (\ (q,q') -> finals q && finals' q')
  • mixed

    xProdMixed :: NFA_Mixed q sigma -> NFA_Mixed q' sigma -> ((q,q') -> Bool) -> NFA_Mixed (q,q') sigma
    xProdMixed (NFA_Mixed inits trans finals) (NFA_Mixed inits' trans' finals') =
      NFA_Mixed [(q,q') | q <- inits, q' <- inits']
               (\ (q1,q1') a -> (trans q1 a, trans' q1' a))
    unionMixed nfa@(NFA_Mixed _ _ finals)  nfa'@(NFA_Mixed _ _ finals') =
      xProdMixed nfa nfa' (\ (q,q') -> finals q || finals' q')
    intersectMixed nfa@(NFA_Mixed _ _ finals)  nfa'@(NFA_Mixed _ _ finals') =
      xProdMixed nfa nfa' (\ (q,q') -> finals q && finals' q')


The idea is to begin at the final states, to end at the start states, and to take transitions in the reverse direction.

  • concrete

    revList :: NFA_List q sigma -> NFA_List q sigma
    revList (NFA_List inits trans finals) = NFA_List finals revTrans inits
        revTrans = [(q',a,q) | (q,a,q') <- trans]
  • abstract

    revFunc :: NFA_Func q sigma -> NFA_Func q sigma
    revFunc (NFA_Func inits trans finals)  = NFA_Func finals revTrans inits
        revTrans q a q' = trans q' a q
  • mixed

    revMixed :: Eq q => NFA_Mixed q sigma -> NFA_Mixed q sigma
    revMixed (NFA_Mixed inits trans finals) = NFA_Mixed undefined undefined (\q -> elem q inits)
        newInits = [q | q <- stateGenerator, finals q]
        newTrans q a = [q' | q' <- stateGenerator, elem q (trans q' a)]
        stateGenerator = undefined

    To define revMixed we need some way of enumerating all states of the machine. If we enriched the datatype NFA_Mixed by adding a list of all states, we could then define this function.